Anakin... why?

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This is another quick one! Just wanted y'all to have a post!

1200+ words

Y/n's pov:

Pain. Darkness. Sorrow. These 3 strong emotions are what you currently feel, as you run torwards Anakin. It's too late... What Obi-wan had told you being true. It can't be. "Y/N.. my love, you shouldn't be here." He speaks with a cold, dark tone.

He tried his best to seem like the loving, and kind Anakin he once was, but that man is long gone. The man consumed by the darkness turns to face you, dead younglings lying on the ground behind him.

He turns to face his wife with a smile on his lips. I freeze "A-ani... w-what have you done!" "What I had to." Your shock, and disbelief is visible in your voice. His response is short and swift. His voice sounds dead and cold.

I take a moment to breathe, think of what to say "W-what do you mean ani?l" I say as I slowly moved closer to him. "These younglings.. are a threat to the stability of the Empire and our Emperor." A short pause as you move closer.

Anakin doesn't seem to be phased. "The Emperor ordered me to do it." "W-why? They were only children ani they don't know any better! the ones who are dangerous are the Jedi!" I sobbed out "I don't want to talk about it.. and neither should you. I am doing whatever is best for you, our child, and this galaxy."

The words are sweet, but the tone is anything but stern. Your eyes are locked onto Anakin's. I take a moment to calm down for a moment before saying

"Ani... how is this good for me? And our baby?" "There is no way to explain it to you in a way you'll understand. All you need to know is that I am doing what's best for you and this galaxy."

You can feel the tension rising. His calm, almost loving tone, now sounds like a threat. He notices my tears getting more intense. Anakin's eyes flicker, for just a split second. You see emotion in his eyes. The smallest hint.

"Y/n, my love, I am doing this for you... please don't question it." I let out another soft sob as Anakin said "Caroline... please..." His words are starting to sound less and less genuine, and more forced.

"I am doing this for you, and this galaxy.. I want to spare you the details of why these younglings needed to die." He takes a step towards you. Anakin's anger, and irritation is starting to bubble up. "You didn't have to kill kids ani!"

You can feel Anakin's anger, his rage, his pure hatred, and disgust for the Jedi and the light, building up inside him. "The Jedi are part of the problem. They're evil and corrupt. If I could wipe them out, right here, right now.. I would. You know I would do it, too." Anakin is still taking small steps closer, with every word he speaks.

"I know you would ani.. but that's my point.. these kids were harmless... the Jedi isn't..." Another step closer. He's within arms reach. Anakin's face softens, although for only a moment as he speaks

"The Jedi are evil, and a threat to everything we stand for. If these kids were to survive, they would be part of the problem in the future. The Emperor saw that, and so do I. Now stop your crying! The Emperor is watching our every move.."

I angrily say to him "So what if he is watching!... I'm your wife the least you could do is hold me and tell me it's going to be okay!" His eyes are still fixated on you. He has stopped moving closer..

his eyes begin to soften, and his tone sounds almost genuine again. "Caroline.. please, there isn't enough time for us to talk, and I can't hold you. I need to get out of here before more clones arrive on the scene. I'm doing what's best for you.. you must trust me."

In a beat... his tone switches again. His face is stone cold. "These kids had to die. The end of the story." I let out a sigh as I calm down "Fine.. but no more killing kids... they don't know any better"

His face softens again. Anakin's voice is almost pleading, as if he's begging you to understand. To have faith and trust him. "I promise you, Caroline. You and your child are safe. No more killing younglings, okay?" Anakin's eyes are completely focused on you, as you lock eyes.

I nod slowly as Anakin looks into your eyes for a moment, before looking away. His tone sounds almost vulnerable and soft. "I don't want to leave you. I love you, and I want to be with you.. but I have to go.. now." His eyes are glued to you, as if he wants to say something he isn't.

Another beat.. and it's as if something snaps. Anakin's eyes turn cold.. and you can see hate, anger, and even a slight hint fear, in his eyes. I look into his eyes "I love you Anakin..." he slowly becomes soft "I love you to y/n. When I see you again, I'll have a special surprise for you." Anakin takes a step towards you, his face is only a few inches from yours.

I look up at you "you better come back for me..." He smiles a comforting, loving smile. He speaks softly, trying to sound calm and reassuring. "Don't worry. I will come back for you. As long as I live, I will find you. I will find you and our child.. and we will be a family. Nothing will stand in our way." Anakin's voice sounds almost passionate.. almost as if he really believes what he's saying.

I softly say "How long will it take for you to come back to me" Anakin laughs, a short one, but still a laugh. "It won't take me long, my love. As soon as I can escape from the clones and find a ship, we will be together. It might take a day or two, but I'll find a way, and I'll come back for you."Anakin's voice is filled with love, and care.

Maybe... just maybe there is some hope for you and your unborn child. " you promise?" Anakin's lips curl into a reassuring and comforting smile. "I promise, Caroline. I love you." Anakin's voice is filled with pure love, care, and happiness.

The darkness seems to fall away when he speaks to you. "I love you ani please don't forget it" I say softly as I softly kiss his lips. Anakin is almost in shock. His eyes are fixated on you as you kiss him.

After a moment, he smiles. The love and passion he feels for you is evident, as his voice sounds so full of love and happiness. This was probably the most genuine kiss he has ever given. "I love you too, Caroline."

He looks into your eyes before turning to exit as we both hear footsteps coming closer. "Hurry ani... we both have to leave quickly.. I'll see you soon" I say as I rush towards the exit as well, I smile softly back at him as I Leave the scene, rushing to me and Anakin's apartment, to wait for him patiently.

Anakin leaves, running as fast as he can, to find somewhere safe.. somewhere where he and his wife can be together again. He needs to find a ship now, before the clones track him down...

Boom! All done!

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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