Save me please pt1

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Hey guys! This is a bit sad! But not to bad! This is short! I just wanted to get something out there!

Anakins pov:
" I'm sorry Anakin but... we can't be together
anymore..." padme says crying "my mother wants me to marry someone and she is forcing me to" I froze in shock... she's... leaving me? " I'm sorry Anakin..." she said as she gets up and leaves my apartment, immediately y/n , my padawan, comes in knowing something bad had happened, she slowly walks over to me " it's alright Anakin" I hug y/n as she comforts me, she makes sure to distract me, making us cook, read, watch tv shows we both like, making me forget all that happened with padme

( a week later )

I head to y/n's apartment, she was supposed to be back from her mission last night, and we have to train today, after my breakup with padme, she had been an amazing help, she helped me get over padme, helped me get back into my feet, she made me realize that padme might have been just using me this whole time, witch is fucked up in my opinion. I sigh as I reach y/n's door, i softly knock on her door, and I wait for a response or for her to open the door with her big smile but I never got a reply, I immediately started to worry and I used the force to unlock and open the door, as I rush in "y/n! Are you in here?" I look in her bedroom, nothing... her bathroom... nothing... her kitchen... nothing... I start to freak out and I rush out to find obi-wan, I have to tell someone to help me find her! I can't lose her...

( y/n's pov )
I scream in pain, tears falling down my face, feeling the shock go through me as the sith laughs "your so pathetic" the sith says to me " your supposed to be a Jedi! None of these tears should be happening" the sith yells at me as I got limp onto the table, weak from all of the torture. The sith laughs and says " no one is coming for you" he pauses and then continues "you have been here for three days, no one is coming to save you" ( I let out a sob ) "y-your wrong!" The sith laughs "that's what you think" he turns on the shock again, making me scream in Agony, he keeps slight at me " just tell me where the Jedi temple is! Then I'll let you go" i scream out in pain "NO! I won't tell you anything!" The sith let's put a snarl "tell me!" I shake my head no again as I scream in pain, that made him mad, to where he slowly came closer and ignites his red lightsaber " I'll get it out of you sooner or later" the sith says with a laugh as he brings his lightsaber to my arm and he burns my arm, making me scream out in pain and agony "ANAKIN!!"

Part two is coming soon!

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