Save me please pt 2

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Just an fwi! The Jedi had announced a week before padme and Anakin split that relationships were allowed! Just to go along with the story!

2000+ words

( time skip; another week later )

(Anakins pov)
"Anakin! We found her!" I hear suddenly obi-wan scream through my apartment door, making me use the force to immediately open my apartment door "where is she" obi-wan says " she is on Dantooine" obi-wan says quickly "let's go now"

I stop him " no.. I will go alone... I must do this for her"
obi-wan stops and looks at me confused " why is this Anakin?" I sigh and i decided to tel him the truth " I love her obi-wan and I'm not afraid to admit this"

obi-wan smiles " i knew it!" His reaction has my shocked as he continues " ever since master yoda said we could have relationships, I had a hutch feeling that you liked her!"

I laugh slightly at this "I just figured out these feelings" I said as I rush to my ship "Anakin" I turn to obi-wan "yes master?" Obi-wan sighs and says "bring her back safely and you be safe as well, she will need you"

I smile and I nod at obi-wan and I turn around, I pause to take a deep breathe and then I start to walk inside my ship, closing the doors and getting in my seat, turning on my ship, and flying twords Dantooine 'hold on y/n... I'm coming to save you'

(Y/n's pov)
I scream in pain, as he burns me once again, I've been stuck here for almost two weeks, I'm starting to lose hope in being found, the sith laughs at me "this is entertaining for me to see you in so much pain"

the sith laughs once again, as the sith then burns me with his lightsaber again making me scream in pain once again. The sith then says "just give up, no one is coming to save you, not even Anakin"

I let out sobs now, knowing that he is right, Anakin doesn't care for me, he would have found my by now... maybe the sith is right... but I'm interrupted by another burn on my leg, making me scream

(Anakins pov )

As my ship slowly gets closer to the planet, my fear of finding y/n dead is high, the thought of me finding her dead in the floor, not breathing and motionless is scaring me.

I don't want to lose her... I haven't told her how I feel... i have to today.. if I find her and she's still alive... I'm going to tell her my feelings... praying that she is alive...

I shake my head out of the thoughts as I see my ship approaching the planet Dantooine, I put my ship at full speed towards the planet, I soon enter the atmosphere of Dantooine.

I slowly land, immediately feeling y/n being close, I rush out of my ship seeing an abandoned looking base, i rush in and looking in each room as I suddenly hear someone scream.

I turn my head towards the sound and I immediately rush twords the scream, praying that it's y/n and that she is alive...

(Y/n's pov )
I scream in pain from the burns, the sith laughs and uncuffs me from the table and forcefully grabs my face and brings it close to his and says "your mine now, clearly no one is coming for you"

I get angry and I spit on him "fuck you" I say angrily. " you bitch!" The sith slams me on the floor, making me lay on the floor, looking up at the ceiling, tears start to run down my face as I realized that no one is coming for me, not even Anakin.

The sith laughs " he is never going to find you, he's not coming" he laughs and continues " anakin Skywalker is never coming for you y/n get it through your head" I look towards the door, praying that he would come through that door at any moment.

Anakin Skywalker imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora