You bastard!

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Hey yall! This is a quick one since I have an appointment!

1100+ words

Anakin's pov:

Anakin sighs as he enters our apartment, wanting to hug me "my love! Im home!" Anakin says outloud, waiting to hear my little footsteps coming towards him but he hears nothing. he immediately thinks of the worst, that you were kidnapped or killed.

He immediately checked the  apartment, soon finding a small note on the island in our kitchen saying "hey ani I'm off to the market to get a few fresh things for dinner tonight, I'll be back soon my love -y/n (made at 2:46PM)"

Anakin looks up at the clock and sees that it's only 2:58 Pm, he lets out a relieved breath "she just left" Anakin takes this as a moment to nap a bit before y/n comes home.

Y/n's pov:
as I enter the market , I grabbed a small basket to put things in. Smiling softly as i grabbed what I needed. As I walked I felt someone following me, I swiftly looked around without being suspicious of it.

Immediately seeing him. Him? you may ask, it's your ex Tyler, he's acting like he's shopping as well but following you. Now.. Let's get this straight, Anakin knows of Tyler. Anakin knows what Tyler did to you in the past..


"You bitch!" Tyler says as he slaps me down to the floor "I told you to clean the kitchen !" I look up at him "I-i did clean I-it!" Tyler grabs you by the hair and shows you the sink "is this clean?!" I shoke my head no "no it's not!" He throws you hard to the floor and walks away.

And hour later

Tyler walks in drunk "h-HeY bABe" he says as I comes closer "leT mE hAVe soMe fun" he says as he crawls on top of me "no Tyler your drunk" I say trying to push him off "nO I-I'm doing tHIS" he says as he tries to take my pants off "Tyler no!" He slaps me "I-if yOu donT Let me d-do thIs, I'll fUckINg kiLl yOU" I don't move... I freeze as he dose what he wants

Flashback ends

Yea it's not pretty... so I quickly gather my things that I need, trying to be quick and leave. As the person is nagging my things I see Tyler coming closer.

I smile and nod at the lady as a 'thank you' and
I almost make out the door when Tyler comes up to me "Hey sweetheart you miss me? Tyler says as he comes close to me, touching my arm slightly. I shake my head "no Tyler I didn't"

I try to leave again but he stops me "come on you didn't miss me at all?" I shake my head again and I text Anakin's com quickly " I need you to come to :random address: Tyler has found me and he's trying to talk to me" I send it quickly as Tyler touches me again, trying to convince me to follow him.

Anakin's pov

I groan slightly as I hear my com go off. I scratch my head slightly as I opened it and I saw y/n's message. Anakin's eyes grew wide with panic as he read the message. He put his cloak on and dashed out of the house.

He was going to save his love, no matter what he had to do.He ran as hard as he could to the address included in the message. He hoped and prayed to every single god in the galaxy that he wasn't too late.

Soon he got there and he saw Tyler grabbing my arm and trying to drag me to the back of the store. Anakin's blood boiled as he saw Tyler touch his love. It was as if the worst kind of monster was about to touch the most wonderful creature in existence... Not if he could help it.

Anakin tackled his love's ex to the ground. "Stay the hell away from her, monster!" Anakin shouted as he pinned him to the ground. He didn't care how loud he might be or what the bystanders might think.

All that mattered to Anakin right now was keeping his love safe. He hears y/n gasp and say "Ani!" as Tyler tries to get free from Anakin's grasp. Anakin was in a blind rage. He didn't hear anything his love was saying. He didn't give two damns about anything else going on right now.

He looked down at Tyler and started to raise his fist. "You aren't laying a finger on her again." Anakin said through clenched teeth. He was ready to punch Tyler in the face if it meant protecting his love. He had no issue with going to jail for this one time... If it meant his love would live happily.

She was all that mattered. Some people near by sees the commotion and calls the cops. Anakin keeps his leg on Tyler's chest so he can't get up. Soon the cops arrive and take Tyler into custody. Anakin says to the cops "this man has hurt and abused and raped my girlfriend.

I walked in on him holding her arm as she tried to push him away " the cop nods and goes to the other cops to talk, as I walked over to y/n and I stand next to her as she stands near him, watching Tyler get out into the cop car.

"It's going to be alright, dear. He's going to be put away and never be able to hurt you again." Anakin said as he looked at his love. He was worried about how this had affected her.

He didn't want to make this harder than it had to be for her. She didn't deserve any more abuse from Tyler. Not in a million years. Y/n nods as I kept fiddling with Anakin's cloak he has on. Anakin looked down at his love.

He noticed the way she was fidgeting with his cloak and he knew she wanted comfort. He smiled softly and took off his cloak. He wanted to be closer to her. He softly out it on her, he just wanted his love to relax.

He could tell that the events of today had been hard on her, and he wanted to do anything he could to help her calm down. Y/n happily accepted it, snuggling into it slightly.

We stood in silence but then "Anakin!" someone says, making me look and I see obi-wan, out of all people, Obi-Wan needed to see what Anakin had done.

As obi-wan approached, y/n slipped behind Anakin, not wanting to talk to anyone right now and Anakin understood that immediately. So while he and obi-wan talked, he hugged y/n, letting her hide her face in his chest as Anakin and obi-wan talked about what had happened...

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