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Hey y'all! This is just a quick reminder that Padme and Anakins relationship dose not exist!!! Remember that requests are open!
1600+ words
( Y/n's pov )

You and Anakin were in the training room, both working on their respective skills, not really talking
Anakin watches as you train, noticing the small flaws in your stance as you trained with your lightsaber

He sighs and says softly "You're standing wrong. You're going to get hurt" He says not unkindly, but also not as kind as he could have

The relationship between the two of you had been...strained recently, he has been distant and slightly rude

"Sorry.." I say soflty as I try to fix the position I was struggling on, my mind focused on what could be the reason on why Anakin has not been the best towards me

Anakin rolls his eyes, but his expression softens as he looks at you "No need to apologize," He says in what is almost something like affection, as if he almost cares about how you feel.

He points his lightsaber upwards, showing you his form "See?" He says, his voice almost soft "Like that." I nod slowly and I try it again and I do it perfectly the second time

Anakin looks pleased, as if he finally got through to you "Good" He says with what is almost like praise "Keep doing it that way" I nod and I keep doing it, doing my signature moves at the battle droids.

Anakin watches for a bit longer, checking to make sure you are still doing it right, and when it seems like you are, he nods "Okay" He lowers his lightsaber "I think that's enough training for now" He says "Go rest" I nod slowly as I say Thank you master I say as I turn my lightsaber off and I go sit down against the wall, drinking my water.

Anakin sighs, and puts his lightsaber into his belt "You're welcome," He says softly, but not in a kind way, more like he was just being polite He moves over towards you and sits down next to you, drinking some water from his own canteen, I stop drinking to look at him as he sits down, then I put my head against the wall, with my eyes closed

Anakin looks at you, his expression softer now, as if he actually cares about you "You tired?" He asks you, as if it actually matters, making me slowly nod  as I say "A bit but I'll be fine" I say softly as my head is still against the wall

Anakin watches you, his expression almost sympathetic "It must be...difficult for you" He says, still sounding sympathetic "being trained rained here" He moves his head so he is facing you, his expression concerned  "Have you made any...friends? While you've been here?" He asks, making me shake my head nod.

Anakin looks at you, his eyes kind of sad "...Why not?" He asks, sounding genuinely worried, I look at him for a moment, before saying "Not many people want to be friends with me" I say as I look down at my hands that are in my lap

Anakin looks kind of angry when he hears that "Why not?! You're an amazing person, any person would be lucky to be your friend!" He says, and it's almost like he's talking about you as if you're his friend instead of his... well padawan. I shrug my shoulders and say  "I don't know ani...I wish I knew why"

Anakin watches you, and his expression becomes soft again "Don't let anyone make you think you're not amazing, alright?" He says, with a kindness you haven't heard from him before He puts one hand against your chin, to lift up your head "If they don't want to be your friend, they don't deserve to be your friend."

I slowly looked over and I wait for a moment before I say "thank you Anakin". He smiles and says " of course y/n, you don't need them, you got me as your master and friend"

I smile happily up at him now " thank you master" Anakin nods as he says " i know I haven't always been...kind to you" *He says, sounding a little sad "And I'm sorry for that..."

Anakin Skywalker imagines Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat