Chapter One: A Hard Day's Night

Start from the beginning

While they were looking around the pristine OR when Eddie saw an older blonde woman slip in trying to not draw attention to herself. Eddie recognized her from the night before at the mixer. Most likely because she didn't want to be called out on being late for her first day.

"Each of you comes here hopeful. Wanting in on the game. A month ago, you were in med school being taught by doctors. Today, you are the doctors." Dr. Webber said as he looked at the newest crop of interns, all bright-eyed and eager.

"The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point. Look around you. Say hello to your competition."

When he said that Eddie noticed that people were now eyeing others. As if looking for any sign of weakness, or who would be the easiest to climb over on the way to the top. Surgery was competitive, and if you wanted to be the best, you had to prove it, and fight for your time. But Eddie was not the type of person to trample on one to get ahead. She believed in working hard, not taking the easy way out.

She knew that she was receiving some looks from her fellow interns. She knew they all thought she was going to be easy pickings because of her age, the fact that she looked like a little doll, at least according to her friend Eli always told her.

Eddie looked at the people in the OR with her. Some seemed scared, some excited, some cocky, and some determined. Eddie didn't know which expression was on her face, but she was determined to become the best surgeon she could be.

"Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. Five of you will crack under the pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play? That's up to you." Dr. Webber told them.

Eddie's determination intensified and she lifted her head slightly, as the Chief's words echoed through her mind.

This was her arena. And she was going to show everyone just what she was made of.


            The intern locker room was a flurry of activity as they got ready for their first shift. Eddie had just pulled her light blue scrubs over her light purple long-sleeved top, when she heard a resident start calling out names.

            "Okay, Martin, Robinson, Bond, Hawkins."

            Eddie already knew she was on Dr. Bailey's service, though she didn't know who said doctor was yet.

            She quickly started to braid her hair into two braids as she heard the blonde from earlier, who's locker was right next to hers say, "Only six women out of twenty."

            "Yeah. I hear one of them's a model. Seriously, like that's going to help with the respect thing?" The Korean said with a scoff.

            Eddie raised an eyebrow at the slightly judgmental tone.

            "Yeah, well I bet it helped with the student loans though." Eddie said getting the two girls attention.

            "You're Cristina and Edit, right?" The blonde asked, butchering her name pronouncing like the word, edit like how you would fix a paper. "It's Eh-det" Eddie corrected, stressing her name, something she was used to. "But you can call me Eddie, though." Eddie said as the curly haired intern, Cristina nodded.

"I'm Meredith." The blonde greeted.

            "Which resident you assigned to?" Cristina asked, "I got Bailey."

            "The Nazi? Yeah, me to." Meredith said.

            "I got Bailey as well." Eddie said as she tied off her braid.

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