Harry: At least Hagrid didn't get sacked.

Hermione: Yes. But I hear Draco's father's furious.

Y/n: In that case, I don't think we've heard the end of this-

(Y/n is cut off as Helios flies in with a letter in his claws, Y/n, Ron, Hermione and Harry look at Helios confused. Helios lands on Y/n's shoulders and he takes the letter, Y/n looks at the letter and sees his Grandfathers crest on it. Y/n's eyes widen slightly and he puts the letter into his pocket)

Ron: Who was that from?

Y/n: My grandfather.

(Y/n stand up and picks up his books)

Hermione: Where are you going?

Y/n: I need to take care of this letter. I'll see you at Defense Against The Dark Arts class.

(Y/n leaves the great hall not noticing Snape looking at him with suspicion and walks after him)

Seamus: He's been sighted!

(Hermione, Ron and Harry turn. Seamus and the other Gryffindors are huddled over a copy of The Daily Prophet)

Ron: Who?

(But the photograph on the Prophet's front page provides a chilling answer: Sirius Black. Hermione reads over the shoulders of others. Whispers half to herself)

Hermione: Achintee? That's not far from here...

Neville: You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts, do you?

Lavender: With the Dementors at every entrance? 

Seamus: Dementors? He's already slipped by them once, hasn't he? Who's to say he can't do it again?

(As a flicker of fear passes through Harry's face, Bem, a Gryffindor boy stares grimly at the grainy image of Black)

Bem: That's right. Black could be anywhere. It's like trying to catch smoke. Like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands.


(Snape is walking around the corridors looking for Y/n when he hears two people whispering in a dark hall. Snape looks around a corner and sees Y/n talking to a face made out of small bits of paper)

Y/n: So you're saying the one he has is a fake?

???: Yes. I had to make sure he didn't get his hands on the real one.

Y/n: Good, I was starting to think that I had to blow my cover and kill him.

(Snape narrows his eyes)

???: No, there's no need for that just yet.

Y/n: I know. He has to die, For the Greater Good.

(Snape's eyes slight widen when he hears that phrase and in realization he starts to back away but stops when he feels the tip of a wand on the back of his neck)

Y/n: Someone's being a little too curious.

(Snape turns around and sees Y/n pointing his wand at him)

Snape: Mr. Graves or would you prefer Mr. Grindelwald?

Y/n: So you heard...

(Y/n smiles and suddenly grabs Snape's throat and pushes him agains a wall)

Y/n: I would rather not kill you, not now... but, if you tell a word about me to anyone. I'll reunite you with Harry's mother.

(Y/n let's go of Snape's throat and starts to walk away, leaving Snape alone with his thoughts)

The Grandson of Grindelwald (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now