"She did threaten to call the cops, but I knew she wouldn't do it. But I fucked it up." He spoke, M.M. sighing to himself. There wasn't much speech after that, Samuel's eyes glued to the water. "I think I saw a dolphin too." M.M. pointed out, Samuel glancing at the man. M.M. nodded towards the ocean, then towards Samuel. They looked at each other for a brief second before Samuel squinted out towards the water.

Patting his shoulder, M.M. stood up, walking away from the boy and leaving him be. He'd spoken, that was enough. Meeting eyes with Frenchie shortly, M.M. slipped past the man, leaving the latter to watch Samuel's hair move in the wind. Billy made his way down the stairs without a care, nonchalant and frankly not bothered about anything as he moved to the back of the boat, watching Hughie lean against a metal pole.

"How long are we playing emo for?" Billy spoke up, watching Hughie's lack of a response. "Hughie." He called, brows furrowed. "Oi, Hughie." His music continued into his earphones, the man watching an old music video before his shoulder was nudged.

Looking at the man, Billy huffed as he motioned for Hughie to take out his headphones. Doing as told, Hughie heard Billy's voice clearly. "I said, how long are we gonna be sulkin' about like some poncy eyeliner-wearin' emo twat?" He spoke, Hughie not wanting to look at the man. "All right, look, I will say, I lost my bottle a little bit when I popped you one." Billy began again, shrugging to himself.

He didn't apologise, though, and the space was silent. "So, um... sorry?" Billy struggled to get it out, nodding at Hughie. "There, I said it. We all square?" He asked, Hughie glancing at the man. He smiled once they met eyes, Hughie's brows furrowing as he felt the familiar ache of the bruise on his cheek.

Instead of smiling back, Hughie punched Billy's cheek, which resulted in him falling to the floor. He stopd up again, pouncing on Billy before M.M. rushed forward. "I'll fucking kill you!-" "Easy, easy, kid, relax." M.M. spoke over Hughie, Billy watching the man."Fucking hell, kid's stark ravin'." Billy let out, catching his breath lightly. Hughie tried to launch at him again, only to be held back by M.M.

"Breathe, breathe." M.M. spoke, holding Hughie before turning to Billy. "You mind?" He spoke, watching Billy surrender before walking away. Samuel perked up at the sound of footsteps, glancing back just to meet eyes with Billy. The older man was quick to look away at his phone, Samuel huffing before leaning his feet up at the edge of the boat.

"Breathe, okay?" M.M. soothed, Hughie nodding quickly. "Okay. Okay, I'm fine." He nodded, feeling M.M. pat his back. "All right." M.M. hummed, Billy raising his phone to his ear. "What's the ETA?" He asked, Mallory speaking back to him. "A team's on the way-- they'll be there in a few hours." She spoke, Billy huffing. "A few hours?" He asked, Mallory speaking up again.

"I'm a civilian, I can't just push a button anymore. The target's secure? No one's seen him?" She made sure, hearing Billy's hum. "We're three fucking miles offshore, Grace, what do you think?" He made sure he was a far distance from Samuel before speaking.

"I think if there's a way to screw this up, you'll find it." Mallory remarked, Billy sighing. "Look, I just want me wife back." Mallory stayed silent for a beat before replying. "I know. Bring Langley the terrorist, and you'll have her." Mallory reminded, Samuel watching Billy's back. "Hey, you ever heard of an old Supe called Liberty?" Mallory changed the topic, Billy scoffing. "Fuck's that got to do with anything?"

He shrugged, Mallory scanning the picture of the Supe she held in her hand. "I'm not sure yet. How's your crew holding up?" She asked, Billy sighing to himself. "Yeah, we're all good. Having a few laughs. Samuel's decided to join us all again." He made sure not to say 'Sammy', which was alright since Mallory did it for him.

𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘣𝘰𝘺, 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙨Where stories live. Discover now