Love and hate, such a fine line.

After driving for a while, I finally pull up in my Bentley Mulliner Batur. Even with a blacked out car, everyone who worked up front knew who it was pulling up.

They all stood by the front door in a perfect straight line while I got out of my car and was approached by the valet driver Ethan. He was a young guy, trying to get through college, seemed nice - so I hired him on the spot when I bought this place out.

"Boss, welcome back to Paradis." Ethan looks at me, you can see in his eyes he's anxious. "You know where she goes, take care of her." I reply handing him a couple hundred dollar bills and his face lights up, "you got it man, thanks!"

I walk up the short flight of stairs as everyone else begins to say hello as I walked through the doors, 'Heartbeat by Childish Gambino' blares throughout the club. Not many people are here, but it is only 6pm.

Walking over to the bar, the bartender smiles at me, this one I didn't hire. Kenny must've done the hiring on this one.

Eyeing me up and down she speaks, "haven't seen you here yet." I look up at her, ignoring the small talk she's trying to start, "Scotch neat." She lets out a small huff, "a man who knows what he wants, not much of a talker huh?"

I watch as she fills my glass cup, trying to maintain eye contact with me. Passing the glass over, "it's on the house," and I laugh. "Of course it's on the house, I own this place." She sucks her breath in and looks at me like a deer in headlights, "oh...can we just forget..."

"Save it," I cut her off and walk away towards the back door. I can still feel her eyes on me as I walk away, and I keep a mental note of that.

Once the door shuts behind me the music fades out, it's almost completely silent and I just hear the sound of my foot steps echoing through the concrete like hallway.

I hear the door open behind me as someone approaches me from behind, "I heard you were here! Why didn't you say hi?!" Kenny questioned while looking at the glass I'm holding. "Ah you met Savannah? Wild one isn't she?"

I continue walking and take a small sip, "not even close. When did you hire her?"

"Maybe a month or two ago, why?"

"She didn't even know who I was and offered me a free drink because she had some sort of interest in me." I explained, "I better not be losing money because someone wants dick or pussy Kenny, got it?"

He stops and stutters for a moment, "I...I didn't know, I'm sorry. I'll make sure I keep a close eye on it." I hand him my empty glass before putting my key into the door that leads to the basement, "don't make me regret choosing you as the boss here."

He was the first one I questioned actually, he already went through everything that Hannes is about to go through. Everything he told me tracked out to be true, and now everyone who passed so far has every single part of them being tracked. Whether that be by me, or Zeke.

Kenny watches as I open the last door to the basement, "feel sorry for the bastard that's down there right now," he continues to make small talk. "Get back to work" I reply before slamming the door in his face and locking it behind me.

I turn the lights on and hear nothing but the soft buzzing sound from each light as I walk down the stairs and towards Hannes. Footsteps echoing again, as I approach the man I've known my whole life. His head is covered in a hood, mouth has duct tape over it, arms and legs restrained with zip ties. I drugged him because I knew he wouldn't go without a fight.


"Eren my boy! Any updates?" Hannes looks at me while sitting down at the local hole in the wall bar far away from anyone. Y/n doesn't know I'm back in town already, it's about 2am and the bar is about to close for the night. Thankfully, I know Vince, he's helped me a few times when it came to making sure people leave here being unseen when I need.

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