Andy walked over to him grabbed his shoulders and spoke,"Don't mind CC you know how he is. Trust me I know perfectly well of your 11inch manly hood. And believe me I am very satisfied with it and everything about you."

"Ewww! Really Andy TMI we did not need to know the size of Ashley 's manly hood." said Jake.

"Huh?" said CC.

"Never mind CC. Your to young to know." said Jinxx touching his shoulder.

Then they watched as Andy pulled Ashley into a loving embrass. Then they started making out a little.

"Ok then that's our clue to leave you two alone,"said Jake.

"But I want to stay," said CC.

"Come on CC we'll see them backstage." said Jinxx pulling CC out. They all had all ready done their makeup and was ready.

"So does this mean They made up?" asked CC.

"Yes CC they made up," said Jake.

"No not from you I want to hear from them," said CC.

Andy and Ashley looked at CC and smiled then Ashley spoke,"Yes CC mommy and daddy has made up."

"Yeah!" yelled CC.

After a quick makeup session. Mostly rubbing, grinding and kissing Andy and Ashley met the guys backstage.

"About fucking time. We were about to send out a search party for you two." said Jake.

Both Andy and Ashley faces were flushed. Then they all got ready.


Well finally found a hater that will do something to make sure Andy doesn't say anything tonight. Hope this works. Black Veil Brides brings in Shit loads of money for my company. My company had been so successful since I've signed BVB......


So Black Veil Brides manager Bob wants me to stop this Andy from talking about his relationship with this Ashley. Well I have the perfect thing that will shut him right up....

BVB walked out on stage and Andy screamed to the crowd,"YOU MOTHERFUCKERS READY TO ROCK OUT!!!" Then they started performing.

BVB performed some music from all their albums. As usual Andy was singing In The End. The hater in the crowd decided not to wait for Andy yo talk about his relationship but that the screaming and loud music could cover everything and he could then get out of there.

As Andy was singing 'In The End' Andy had just walked in front passed Ashley where he was playing his bass. As Andy did this a gunshot rang out from somewhere in the crowd. Andy, Jinxx, and Jake ducked quickly. Ashley just stood there. The guys wondered why Ashley hadn't ducked....

Ashley heard this loud bang and felt a sharp pain in his upper right chest and shoulder area. He looked down and saw a hole there and blood coming out of it. He touched the hole his hand became covered in blood. He was wearing his microphone when he spoke,"Andy!"


What the fuck was that noise. Ow my chest hurts. I'm bleeding oh god I've been shot. No my one thought was of my love Andy and I said his name "Andy!"

Andy saw Ashley turned towards him and heard Ashley say his name "Andy!" As he saw Ashley standing there a few seconds later he saw the blood.

Ashley tried to walk to him but stumbled. Andy quickly ran to him as did Jake and Jinxx. Andy caught him as he went down. CC quickly got to his side too.


The crowd was having a great time when suddenly a loud bang came from amongst them. Someone screamed "Gun!" everyone started screaming and running around. Then a girl in the crowd screamed "Oh my god Ashley Purdy's been shot. The crowd got quiet as they heard Andy screaming....

"Call 911. Ashley 's been shot. Ashley baby hold on! Hold on baby!" screamed Andy.

Everyone heard Andy call Ashley baby some whispered "Andley is real" they all got sad and watched as Andy was crying touching Ashley.

Ashley looked at him it got very quiet. Ashley was still wearing his Mic when everyone heard him speak. They saw him touch Andy's face and say,"Andy! I don't want to die please. I love you my sexy blue eyes."

People started crying and some took pics. There were whispers because they heard Ashley say he loved Andy. Then they saw Andy hold him.

Andy held him and spoke,"My ashybear you're going to be fine. Ashybear stay awake. Ashley! HE'S NOT BREATHING."

Ashley closed his eyes and his hand fell away from Andy's face then he stopped breathing.

Everyone heard the breathing on his Mic stop then they heard Andy yell,"HE'S NOT BREATHING!"

Jake quickly moved Andy out of the way then yelled,"Jinxx help me!" Then Jake started CPR on ashley. Jake did the chest compressions while Jinxx breathed for him.

CC pulled Andy to the side as they watched helplessly.

Jake yelled,"Where the Fuck is the Paramedics?"

A security person had a radio then spoke,"They are trying to get through the crowd."

Andy heard this then got on the Mic and spoke,"Please everyone you need to let the paramedics through to help Ashley. Please everyone move my boyfriends needs help."

Everyone moved out of the way then the paramedics was able to get through. But before they did Jake was doing CPR and realized something and quit.

Andy saw him quit and yelled,"Jake what are you doing? Don't stop Ashley will die."

"I can't Andy. I can't keep going look," said Jake pointing at Ashley 's wound.

Andy shook his head then Jake spoke,"The bullet nicked his artery every time I pump his heart blood pumps out of his body. He'll bleed to death quickly. The paramedics are coming Jinxx just keep breathing for him. Andy they'll get here in time they have to. Now please let me put pressure on his wound."

Andy stood there shaking so bad then he saw the paramedics he got on his Mic and spoke,"Here hurry he's not breathing."

They quickly got on the stage Jake told them then they pulled out the Defibulaitor and had to shock Ashley 's heart three times before it started again. They quickly put him on the gurney and took him to Mount Zion Hospital.


Ashley Purdy is dead. Our Outlaw is dead. No! Wait they have a heartbeat he's alive. Oh he looks so pale on that stretcher. Poor poor Ashley. Poor poor Andy..... Everyone saw the blood on Andy and Jake's hands. They were crying and wishing Ashley well as they ran pass the fans.

The concert was shut down. They never could find the shooter. He managed to get away during all the chaos. No one really got a good look at the shooter except for one person...... Black Veil Brides manager Bob.....

I Can't Lose My One True Love (Andley)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon