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Y/N had agreed to help Hinata and Kageyama with their practice so they could win the match against the other two first years who joined the team.

You had no idea why you agreed. Those two were nightmares, and Hinata was terrible at receives.

However, you powered through, waking up early each morning to help Tanaka teach them.

They were both horrible, Kageyama not so much, but he could still do better. At least, you thought so.

" Hey Tanaka, you think you guys will win? "

You asked the buzz cut boy.

" Y/N is talking to me... um, yeah, I don't know. "

Tanaka said, his face bright red. He got even the slightest bit flustered whenever you spoke to him. Guess Kiyoko will ignore him most of the time.

" Well, Kageyama seems to be okay at his receives, but Hinata... well, he sucks. "

You said nonchalantly. Tanaka started to laugh.

" BWBAHAHAH yeah, you're right about that, Y/N! "

Suddenly, the gym doors opened, and you all panicked, thinking it was Daichi.

" A crash course, huh? "

" Sugawara! "

Tanaka yelled with relief in his voice. He was absolutely terrified, thinking it was Daichi.

" Don't worry, I won't tell Daichi. Good morning, Y/N. "

" Morning, Suga. "

You said with a bright smile.

" So how are they doing? "

Suga asked.

" Absolutely terrible. They suck. "

You said, crossing your arms.

" We can hear you, Y/N! "

" Yeah, I know, I want you to! Because you both suck! "

You yelled at the two idiots.

" Oh crap! It's getting close to morning practice! "

Tanaka exclaimed. You quickly grabbed the mop and helped clean up the court.

You headed to your first class, sitting next to Tadashi, who was your desk partner.

" Morning Tadashi, how are you today? "

You asked the freckle faced boy who blushed at your voice.

" O-Oh, I'm okay, Y/N. Thank you for asking. How about you? Also.. I don't mean to be rude, but why do you wear a knee brace? "

Tadashi said very shyly. You giggled softly.

" Oh, I injured my knee last year while doing track, I dislocated my knee. "

You said with slight pain in your voice, it pained you because you couldn't continue to run track.

" Oh my, I'm so sorry, Y/N! I didn't mean to make you upset. "

Tadashi bowed his head, tears forming in his eyes. He was such a sensitive boy.

" It's okay, Tadashi. You were curious, and you didn't know. I understand. "

You said with a sweet smile, gently ruffling Tadashi's fluffy green hair.

" Oh.. oh, okay.. if you are sure. Oh! Good morning, Tsuki! "

Tadashi called to his tall beanpole friend.

" Morning Yams. "

Tsukishima always seems to ignore you.

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