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Practice, practice, practice.

That was what you always had in your head. Practice was the way to success, so you practised every second you had.

Run and jump, run and jump, run, and....


A pain seared through your right leg as you heard the metal of the hurdle clank on the track floor.

Your world went in slow motion as you fell onto the floor, hearing the gasps and whispers from the bleachers, and your older sisters voice.

" Y/N! Are you okay?! "

Your older sister Kiyoko asked, her voice filled with worry. You came back to reality, gripping your right knee, crying out in pain.

" Hang in there, sis. An ambulance is on the way. "

Your older sister said with a sweet voice filled with concern. You looked at her with tears in your eyes.

" I-I need to keep going, I've almost won. "

You said sadly, Kiyoko placed her hand on your shoulder.

" You are injured, sis, you can't play anymore. "

Kiyoko frowned, knowing that you still wanted to fight to win, but it was time for her to stop you before you hurt yourself even more.

The ambulance arrived and took you to the hospital. After xrays and MRIs, the doctors found that you had dislocated your knee, and the doctors had to inform you that you would never run track again.

Your eye twitched, and hearing this kind of news was horrible. It was the very last thing you wanted to hear. Being one of the best on the track team, your dream was crushed.

Track team was what you wanted to do, follow in your older sisters' footsteps, and become the best track runner. Now, you couldn't follow that dream of your own because of your injured knee.

The year had ended, and you weren't ready to start your first year of high school. You were unsure what kind of club you would join, knowing you can't join the track team.

You put on your knee brace as soon as you woke up in the morning. Today was your first day of high school. So many questions were going through your head.

Will people make fun of your knee brace? Will people make fun of your leg scars? What club would you join? There are so many negative thoughts going through your head.

" Sis! Are you awake?! "

Kiyoko opened your door with a bright smile like always. This made all your worries and negative thoughts go away. Seeing your big sister always makes you happy.

" I'm awake. Nice to see you, big sis. "

You said, giving a sweet smile to her.

" You always know how to make me happy, big sis. "

Kiyoko tilted her head.

" I didn't do anything, though? "

She questioned. You laughed softly.

" You make my world light up. You make all my negative thoughts go away, too. I'm just a little nervous to start today. "

You said to her with a sigh. Kiyoko laughed softly, walking over to you and hugging you.

" It's okay, I'm going to be there with you! So there is no need to be nervous! "

Kiyoko assured.

" I know, big sis. I can always count on you to be there for me. "

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