NYC is not for the weak

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"Hey sweetie, you got a boyfriend?" A white middle aged man wearing dirty and worn out clothes with salt and pepper flaked cornrows asks me.

"Not interested." I stick to not even making eye contact. Mrs. L warned me about the people in New York, so I don't even to look his way.

"Not interested in what? I didn't even offer anything." He questions taking a steps closer.

My wolf is starting to get agitated. She knows we might be in danger and is ready to rip this guys throat out but I cant just let her out in the middle of the side walk, oh, and of course kill an innocent civilian.

I had left the train station and found my way to a bench outside. I wanted to get some fresh air after being on a train for so long to wait for Annette to come and get me. I should've stayed put.

"Again, not interested." This time I say glaring at him.

"Oh c'mon sweetie. What's your name? You cant give me your name?" The way hes looking at me is creeping me out, and him starting to lick his cracked lips doesn't help.

"I am uncomfortable could you back up."

"I'm not even that close, don't be so pissy."

Is this guy serious? "That is exactly what you smell like. Piss. Now could you back up for the last time." I stand up now, taking my things with me. I face him holding my finger under my nose. I wasn't just saying it to punch a hole in his ego, the man smelled like he pissed himself.

"You fucking bitch."

"What?" My mouth drops as anger floods me quick, I can feel my wolf coming to the surface.

"She said no! So, back off asshat" Someone behind me yells, "I know you've never had a woman actually talk to you before, but maybe you could use your last few brain cells to realize that she wants you to leave her alone." I whip my head to a 5'8 beautiful woman with dark brown hair with a full head of luscious curls and plump lips colored a beautiful shade of red. One hands on her hip and the other carrying a black Chanel bag.

Annette, my savior.

"I've had 16 ex girlfriends and a wife you dumb bitch!" sixteen? Lets be realistic here.

"Hm, she must've gotten tired of you pissing the bed all the time which is probably why your sad ass is on the streets now." My hand flings to my mouth.

"You watch your mouth bitch!" He starts to quickly make his way towards Annette obviously with the intention to harm her in some way. Before he could two guys who happened to be passing by stop him before he could even make it to her.

"Calm down man."

"What was your old ass gonna do, huh?" She says with determined eyes, even though I know she was freaked. I start pulling her back, just wanting to be rid of the whole situation.

"I mean goddess, what if he ripped my bag! This cost more than his.. everything!"

I scoff shaking my head, "You kept poking the bear Nett."

"Well, you just have to hold your ground with some of the people here." She says biting into her perfectly cut piece of pancake. We stopped at a breakfast diner called 'mornings with Joe' after my stomach started to rumble halfway to the apartment.

"Yeah, that seemed like a lot more than holding your ground Nett." I said eyeing her. don't get me wrong it was bad ass and impressive, but you have to understand Annette is not the type of girl to say the things she did. She's more classy than anything, and she prides herself on it. That was out of character for her.

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