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   "I need to head out to meet Nat for the files," Steve told his wife who had since moved from standing outside the ICU window to a horribly uncomfortable fold up chair next to where her son laid.

   "Give her my love," Olivia spoke tiredly. The ball of her hand nearly slipping off her cheek as her eyes closed momentarily.

   Steve looked at his wife desperately. It had been weeks since both of them woke up, and days since they had been informed their son had a one hundred percent chance of survival. Parker had even been taken off a couple of wires and now able to be touched through the little hand holes of his incubator.

   "Come on, let me take you home," Steve said, squatting down next to Olivia and looking up at her. His eyes gazing gently at her and almost pleading that she would tear her eyes off their son for the first time in weeks.

   "Someone needs to look after Parker," Olivia told him dismissively.

   "Theres doctors and nurses coming in every half hour to check on everything, nothing is going to happen to him," Steve tried to convince her, "now come on, you need to get some sleep."

   "I'm fine Steve," she insisted, "I'm not even tired," she tried to say only to have her body testify against her and forced her to let out a yawn she was trying so hard to keep in until he had left.

   "Yes you are," Steve told her, taking the hand holding her head up in his own in another attempt to get his wife to look at him.

   It worked. Though now that she had turned her head to look at her husband, Steve had wished he had made her go home sooner.

   Her once shining and bouncing waves that had framed her face had grown greasy and practically dead. Her once vibrant hazel eyes that held so much love were now accompanied by dark circles and became dull and held so much desperation. Her once full and beautifully painted lips were dried and cracked. And her once rosy, dimpled cheeks were now sunken in to make her look nearly like a corpse.

   But in all fairness, that's how she felt.

   Olivia hadn't left the hospital once except for when Pepper came and practically forced her to leave, promising she would make sure her grandson was well tended to. She hadn't felt the cool summer breeze or the warm rays of sun, hadn't smelt the refreshing fresh air or the delicious smell of barbecue in the evening.

   Olivia felt dead. And Steve was figuring that out.

   "Liv," Steve gently spoke, reaching up with his free hand to place it on her cheek, "I know that you never want to do what I say, but please listen to me when I say that you need rest. We're in a hospital but all that you're doing is deteriorating."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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