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   "Can we stop? I have to pee," Vera asked Steve, the blonde man sighed. This was the third time in two hours she had asked to go to the restroom and if she asked again he was prepared to strangle the girl.

   "We're almost there," Steve told her, "can you hold it?"

   "No," Vera simply answered.

   Natasha chuckled as the soldier deadpanned over at her, "too bad," Steve said, pressing his foot down more on the gas to get to their destination quicker.

   "About damn time you go the speed limit," Natasha joked, Steve gave her another emotionless glance and a sarcastic laugh which only made the two females laugh at him.

   They pulled up to a small suburban looking house, Steve turning the truck off and unlocking the doors so he could help the red head out, Vera could do it herself.

   "Where are we?" the blonde girl asked, having no remorse to the truck and slamming the door shut as hard as she could.

   Steve picked Natasha out of the seat and gently set her feet on the ground, wrapping his arm around her waist to help her walk, "if she asks another question someone is going to have to hold me back," he quietly told her.

   "She's a kid, Rogers," Natasha reminded him, "calm down."

   Steve shrugged, "I'm just saying."

   He lead the two up to a sliding door, knocking on the window of it. The blinds were drawn up and the door slid open to reveal a dark skinned man. Vera quickly analyzed him, realizing he most likely wasn't a threat and that he just came back from a run, being sweaty and slightly out of breath.

   She thought he seemed nice.

   "Hey man," he greeted them, looking mostly at Steve.

   "I'm sorry about this," Steve started, "we need a place to lay low."

   "Everyone we know is trying to kill us," Natasha quickly added on to what Steve said.

   The man looked between Steve and Natasha, not realizing there was a third in their group, before he stepped aside, "not everyone."

   Vera popped her head out from behind the two older adults, "can I use your bathroom?"


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