something felt heavy on Jungkook heart. he rubbed his chest to ease the pain. he didn't want Taehyung to be attracted only because of the pregnancy hormones. he wants the other to like him as he does or even a little of his endless love.

"ah! don't feel pathetic Jeon Jungkook. you signed up for it. be patient. you have the time for rest of your life for Taehyung to fall in love with you." 𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔 𝒉𝒆??

Jungkook sighed and went to the closet to bring his outfit for the day. he choose a light brown knitted type warm sweater and a pair of off white loose fitted pants. His ears became red again when he saw the stacks of undergarments. he closed his eyes and grabbed a random pair.

He went in front of the washroom door and knocked it.
"Tae! I brought your clothes. do you want to take it now or should I just leave it here?" he waited for the other to answer.

a click was heard and Taehyung peeked in his water stained face and smiled at the younger.
"I'd take them, I don't want a long bath."

Jungkook nodded a handed them to Taehyung who took it inside and closed the door again.

Jungkook went back to his laptop and tried to finish his remaining work untill Taehyung comes out.

inside the bathroom, Taehyung fell into a fit of laughter when he noticed the mismatched pair of undergarments. imagining Jungkook's red ears brought tears to his eyes. He wore the clothes and dried his hair with a help of hair drier. he neatly combed his hair and made it fluffy and left it fall on his forehead. he put on a translucent lip balm and came out.

Taehyung saw the younger on his laptop again, concentrating on the device. he shooked his head and quietly closed the door and sat on the bed.
he put on a pair of socks and wore his comfortable shoes.

"hey! are you done?" Taehyung softly asked asked making Jungkook look at him.

Jungkook knows he himself choose the clothes for the older, but he didn't know Taehyung would be looking so devine.

his black hair falling on his forehead, glossy soft lips, his prodding tummy became less swollen due to the sweater. how can someone be to ethereal without even trying.

"-kook, Jungkook!" Taehyung's loud voice snapped him out if his admiring world.

"you can stare at me all day, now can we go down, I'm feeling hungry." Taehyung rubbed his tummy.

Jungkook shook his head and closed the laptop. He took Taehyung's hand into his and came out of their room .

As soon as they were outside, their ears rang with the loud noises. workers were rushing here and there and few childrens bumped into them as they took steps towards the stairs.

"Jungkook, what on the earth is happening?" Taehyung scaredly asked with wide eyes as he saw the whole house is being decorated.

Jungkook chuckled looking at Taehyung's adorable expression. "for the Christmas Tae!"

"but it's in two days so why are so many people." Taehyung asked as they entered the living room.

"our relatives are from different cities and different countries in other timezones, so they're here already in case they miss coming here due to some issues." Jungkook explained Taehyung and took the pretty male to the dining table.

"wow! you've so many relatives!" Taehyung explained. his father and his grand father was the only child so the number of his relative is very low and they're mostly distant. their home had never been this much crowded in any festivals.

They saw Mrs Jeon bringing dishes after dishes on their large dining table.

"good morning my babies!" Yuri greeted them with a smile and kissed on both of their's cheeks.

"good morning Mom!" they greeted together.

Yuri laughed a little and bent down in front of Taehyung, making the male gasp. she ignored Taehyung's reaction and put her hand on the baby bump.

"hey you! the little human. I'm your grandma, and it's Christmas time. I hope the next time I hold Christmas festival, you'd be in my arms. we are eagerly waiting for you to come into this world. I didn't know me and my stupid husband would be able to love someone more than my cute little baby bunny, your Dad." she bit her lip. Jungkook got overwhelmed and tears welled up in his eyes. even Taehyung got emotional.

"so let's meet next year in person without this barrier. merry Christmas my little gem! don't trouble your papa much okay. it's Christmas so let him eat whatever he wants to." Yuri looked up and saw the couple crying while biting their lips.

"oh my god! don't be so cry baby over few emotional words. are you going to compete with your kid when they comes into this world , huh?" she herself wiped the tears leaving her eyes. She cleared her throat and kissed them on the forehead lovingly.

"I made a garden salad and mixed fruit salad , Taehyungie. you can have every delicious food on this table but you need to have it for my little grandkid, okay?" Taehyung nodded feeling overwhelmed with the maternal care, as if it's his own mom in front of him.

Taehyung hugged Yuri's waist tightly and his his face. " thank you so much Mom!"

"look at you, calling me mom and thanking me as well. you are not supposed to thank me, dear ." Yuri kissed his head and after few moments she went back to kitchen for further preparation and left the couple alone on the dining table.

Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other and started to eat in silence.


"yes?" he looked up.

"thank you." Taehyung said.

"for what?"

"for everything. for sharing the love of these two people in your life, for making me experience my mother's love again, for stopping me at that day in the hospital, for this baby, and for being an amazing husband." Taehyung greatfully said. 'and you are making me fall in love with you ' the unsaid word remained at the tip of his tongue.

Jungkook smiled painfully.

His heart shattering at the sincerity of the pretty male's.

' I wish I was  a perfect man for you.'


to be continued..............

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