Ch. 16: Honesty and Lies

Start from the beginning

Titan's phone pinged, and he retrieved it from his pocket and focused on the screen. The seconds stretched like hours, tick, tick, ticking like a bomb close to explosion.

"Forgive me," he murmured distractedly as he began typing out a response to whoever it was. He placed the phone face down on the table and made a show of giving me his full attention. "Last minute details about my meeting tomorrow." He steepled his fingers beneath his chin. "I know it can be a nuisance having someone around all the time. Once our bond is sealed, you won't need to."

* * *

The hotel elevator had more buttons than a spaceship, and we traveled so high I nearly thought it was one.

"Are you okay?" Titan asked as the little red numbers slowly climbed.

"I'm just taking it all in. The hotel is beautiful."

But I wasn't okay. The space was too small. I was standing mere inches from the only man I wanted, yet he'd never been farther away. How was Huck so composed? It didn't make any sense. Was it the same reason my wolf was so silent, or had she decided to hide until this horrendous trip had ended? I supposed I shouldn't have complained. If we reacted in any way, it could end us both.

The elevator stopped, and Titan escorted me down the hall to my room. "I'm right next door," he said. "Let's take a couple of hours to get cleaned up and into something more comfortable. I'll find a few movies to choose from and order room service. Anything you'd prefer?"

"Surprise me."

He lifted a brow.

"About the movie," I reiterated. "And the food."

He grinned and took my hand, kissing my knuckles. "I promise to be on my absolute best behavior."

Considering what I knew about him, that didn't reassure me.

Titan disappeared inside his room, and I stepped into mine. But before my door could close, Huck stuck his foot in the way.

I looked at him, and all his carefully maintained composure had dissolved into a mask of irritation.

"You know it doesn't mean anything," I whispered.

His teeth bared. "It doesn't matter what I know. It's about what he knows, and you worrying about how I feel doesn't do me any favors. You need to try harder."

I scoffed. He couldn't be serious! He had no idea how hard I'd been working to secure our interests. Did he think this was easy on me? He wasn't the only one being pulled by the moon. Well, if he wanted more effort, I would give it to him. My eyes narrowed, and I smiled sweetly. "Okay, Huck. I will try harder."

I pressed him back, shut the door, then threw a silent fit behind it. How dare he! I stormed over to my suitcase, dumping its contents onto the bed. The nightgown landed atop the pile like a sign from the goddess herself. I picked it up by the straps, holding the skimpy material out in front of me. Given his reaction the last time I'd worn it, he should approve. What better thing to wear for a man I was meant to seduce?

I showered, moisturized, styled my hair into a tight, high ponytail, and kept my makeup simple. When I was finished, I studied myself in the mirror, feeling as if I'd just donned an arsenal. He wanted effort, and I'd delivered.

When I opened the door to leave, Huck caught my wrist.

"Excuse me," I said.

His jaw twitched. "Brooke—"

Titan's door began to open, making Huck promptly let me go. I hurried forward, stepping into the neighboring doorway just as Titan was stepping out.

He froze, his eyes doing a slow scan from my head to my toes and back up again. "Well, hello."

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