12. Loss for Words (Alex)

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He couldn't get it up. Oh my god. He couldn't get it up. Alex has never  had an issue getting it up. Especially around Henry– usually he can't get it down. But last night when he and Henry were getting hot and heavy, Henry reached into his pants to find him... unprepared to go further. Henry tried working him for a few minutes before Alex finally just said he was stressed and left the room, saying he had to work. Really he went right to the internet and found that Adderall can cause erectile dysfunction. Fuck. Fuck!

They are getting married in two days. Then they are going on their honeymoon. Alex has to stop with the Adderall. Immediately. 

There was something else he needed to get started with immediately. And he really doesn't want to talk to Henry about what happened last night, so he wakes up early and knocks on June and Nora's door. 

"Hey. Guys?" he whisper-yells through the door. He slowly cracks it open. 

"Whatttt?" Nora whines. 

"Come get breakfast with me?"

"Dad will make breakfast in a bit," June joins in, still with her eyes closed. 

"Come on guys, please? I need you."

That is enough. He never was very good at asking for help, so when he does, June and Nora understand he really needs it. He isn't really sure what he's going to say to them, but he just needs to be away from Henry for a bit, and he doesn't want to be alone. 

"So.." Alex starts as he drives towards downtown. 

"Coffee first," June says sleepily, and so Alex waits until they are sitting at a table at the pancake house in Austin, three coffees on the table, before trying to start the conversation again. 

"So... I, uh, still haven't written my vows."

"What!" June slams her coffee down, nearly spilling it. 

"I know, I know. I've just been so busy."

"Oh, Alex. The wedding is in two days."

"And your agenda is pretty full until then," Nora chimes in.

"I know that too. Listen I could really use some help."

"Alex." June reaches a hand across the table. "Are you doing ok? You're always running at full speed. You haven't stopped working and campaigning all through your wedding and it's going to be thousands of people and live-streamed across the world. You haven't slowed down for a second, to just be with Henry and enjoy this."

"That's what the honeymoon is for." Alex raises his eyebrows.

"No, don't use your charm to get out of this. You know what I mean."

"It's just the pre-wedding that's a lot. It's a lot for most people, just a bit more for us. The actual day is going to be perfect and so is the honeymoon. Thanks, largely, to you two. I just need you to help me write these vows."

June takes a deep breath. "Ok." 

Pancakes arrive shortly after. In between large bites, Nora says, "1 to 2 minutes of talking would equivocate to about 150-250 words. You want it to be personal and impactful to Henry, but you don't want it to be too personal because it'll be on live TV.  What is it exactly you want to say?"

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking for help!"

June covers his hand with hers. "What comes to mind? When you think about him?"

Alex thinks for a moment. Takes a breath. Closes his eyes. "His hair. His eyes. The look on his face when I say something sly. His ass."

June snaps her fingers in front of his closed eyes, startling them open. "Be serious!"

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