18: Trouble in Paradise (Alex)

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It finally struck Alex as he was on the plane to Hawaii that all the aches and nausea were probably withdrawal symptoms. Shit. While Henry dozed for a bit, Alex paid for wifi so he could look it up, and it all fit: starts a few days after stopping Adderall, can cause fatigue, aches and pains, headaches, nausea, increased appetite, irritability, elevated heart-rate, slowed movements and reflexes, etc. etc. Alex had not taken Adderall in the two days leading up to the wedding in an attempt to quit it for good. He hadn't realized that his dependence on the stuff was bad enough to actually cause withdrawal.

Yesterday, he had slept in. When he woke up, it was midday and Henry wasn't in the room which Alex was grateful for when he started to feel nauseous again and went to go throw up in the toilet. He got himself back in the bed before Henry returned. This morning, it was obvious Henry was starting to pick up on Alex's lack of energy. He wanted Henry to have a good honeymoon, so he had popped up to the room to take a pill.

By the end of the massages he felt 1000x better, and with that came this intense need for Henry. What was the point of a honeymoon if not to have sex everyday, multiple times a day? He dragged Henry back upstairs in an attempt to make it up to him, but Henry was confused by Alex's change in behavior. And then to make it worse, Alex had some performance issues again. Gratefully this time he could get it up, he just had a few issues keeping it up. Fuck, he was ruining this entire honeymoon for Henry. He was the worst husband ever.

After quietly washing up, Henry changes into a swim trunks and asks Alex if he wants to go down to the pool (Henry had already canceled the car).

"I'll meet you down there in a bit," Alex says, still wrapped in his towel from the shower. Left alone, Alex steps out onto the balcony. He sits in one of the chairs and stares out onto the ocean. The water here is so blue, and then turquoise and then green overlaid with white froth where it met the shore. On the horizon, he could see a sliver of a nearby island, but Alex has no idea which.

Alex would stop taking Adderall for good, and tell Henry about it... as soon as they were home. He couldn't ruin the honeymoon by dropping a bomb like that on him. Hopefully now that he took one he should be ok for the next few days until they are home and wouldn't need another. He'd even tell Al if he had to, figure out something to help with the withdrawal symptoms.

He goes round and round thinking about it. How he would tell Henry. Tell Al. Face the withdrawal nausea and headaches again when they come back in a few days. He has a knot in his stomach that had nothing to do with drugs. 

There's a knock at the door. Henry has a key, why would he be knocking? Alex goes to open it but it isn't Henry, it's one of their security team staying in the room next door.

"Mr. Fox is trying to reach you," he says. "He's called and texted but you haven't responded and asked me to check on you. Is everything alright, Mr. Claremont-Diaz?"

"Yes, Jim. Thanks, sorry. I will text Henry back." Alex goes to find his phone and finds it with 6 missed calls and a dozen messages.

You coming down?

I rented a cabana, it's number 14 overlooking the beach.

Everything alright?

Don't forget to wear trunks, the water is lovely.



Are you coming?

Are you getting this?

Are you ok?

Are you upset with me? Please answer

Should I come up?

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