5: Good Morning America! (Henry)

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Here they go. Henry shakes out his hands, trying to stop himself from twisting his ring. He's nervous, but excited. They've never really talked about their relationship publicly like this before– people had already read so much in their emails. But this is something Henry, and he thinks Alex too, has always wanted to do: tell the world about their relationship on their own terms. 

He never brought up to Alex his concerns about the wedding being public, and there was no going back now. 

The stylist finishes touching up his hair as they sit on the couch. He puts his fingers in Alex's as the man behind the camera counts down until they're live. The female interviewer sits in a chair across from them. 

"I am so excited to have Alex Claremont-Diaz, son of former President Claremont, and Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor of Britain on the show today. Now both living in New York, Mr. Claremont-Diaz works as an attorney, while the former prince runs a local LGBTQ+ youth shelter. How are you both tonight?"

"We're great." Alex flashes that politician smile at the camera, "Happy to be here." Henry just smiles; he's happy to let Alex do most of the talking, especially the small talk. 

"So you have some very exciting news to share with us tonight: you are engaged! I am, as I'm sure our entire audience is, very happy for you both. How long now?"

"Well, actually, we've been engaged since last New Year's Eve."

"Oh my! How have you managed to keep this secret for over a year now?"

"Well it's been nice to have a bit more privacy since my mother left office. We don't wear our rings out in public."

"Did I hear 'rings' plural?" 

Henry touches the ring on his left finger, "Yes, we uh.. both proposed?"

"That's so sweet! And can we see them?" Henry and Alex each raise their left hand to show the gold rings. 

"Oh my! So cute! So happy for you both. We all have been following your love story since it–not in the way you imagined, I'm sure– came out, what, six years ago now? When you two are together, it's so clear how  genuine your love for each other is, so I'm sure I'm not the only one who saw this engagement coming!" The live audience laughs. "Can you tell the story of how it happened? Who popped the question first?"

Henry is a bit surprised by Alex's answer: "I think we'll keep the details of that story to ourselves." There's nothing particularly about their engagement they didn't want the public to know, but it is nice to still have some things for themselves. Henry's sure they'll be sharing plenty of other details today. "All I'll say is, we both bought rings, but Henry beat me to the punch."

The audience lets out a collective, "Awwwwwww."

"Oooooo... Ok, alright. I can respect that." the interviewer continues. They had prepped her not to push for details, her agreement was why they were on her show and not anyone else's. "So now that you two are finally getting married, do you think you can share with us more about how your relationship started? We know you have been friends since the Rio Olympics, and then didn't start dating until after the cake incident, is that correct?"

Alex and Henry have been asked questions like this before and skirted around without giving a real answer. Alex looks at Henry now with a grin so wide Henry nearly cracks up at the sight of it. "Yes. Friends first." Henry says, biting his lip. 

"So what did happen the day of the cake-gate?" The audience all lightly giggle. 

"We had an argument," Henry speaks up before Alex can. "I don't even remember what about, something silly, do you darling?"

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