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"We have report that Zayn Malik was found yesterday. Zayn has been missing since the 14th of December. He was found late last night in the Black Hills Forest. He was found by Victoria Torres, who chooses not to speak to us. Zayns parents, and management says the boys will still be off until November when there tour starts again. Nobody is allowed to speak to Zayn except Victoria, who is a therapist and can help Zayn recover. He is now being checked out by the hospital. Once we have more word on his reunion, we will tell you all."

It was all over the news now. Why wouldn't it be? He's a celebrity and he has been gone for a while. I still have yet to talk to his management and parents. We had a small chat and they want him to stay with me. They want me to help him, since he is... different now. You could tell he is just by looking at him. Even last night when I found him.. he acted... strange.

"Zayn?!" His head popped up at the sound of my voice. He growled at me and ran to the corner. "Zayn, I wont hurt you. I'm here to help." I held out a hand to him, and slowly walked toward him. I didn't want to frighten him. Who knows what has been going on with him while he was here. He is in a cabin in the middle of the woods.

He glanced at my hand then at his. He placed his dirty hand on mine slowly. I wrapped my fingers around his hand and slowly pulled him toward me. "Zayn, we're going to leave now. You have to follow me." I know I'm talking to him as if he's a baby, but living alone.. in the woods may do something to his mind. And how he acts.

I pulled him out of the kitchen, walking to the cabin door. He stood next to me, looking around continuously. He stopped looking, and focused on the stairs. The hairs on my arm stood up, and goose bumps began to form. "Come on Zayn. Lets get you home." He spun hos head around so fast to look at me that I jumped.

"Home?" I tried not to smile when I heard his voice.

"Yes, home. You know, with the boys? Louis, Niall, Harry and Liam, your home, Zayn." He had a distant look in his eyes, mixed with something I couldn't figure out. For some documenting, I recorded what the cabin looked like on my camera. Maybe the cops want to know where he was all this time.

I opened the cabin door and we walked out. There now was some light in the sky. It was lit light blue. Zayn was walking slowly behind me. Looking around again. I focused back on the trail, making sure I went in the right direction.

The walk back to my car was quiet. Nothing happened. Except, I thought I seen somebody walking in line with us a couple ways away in the trees. That only made me walk faster.

I sighed in happiness when I found my car. By stopped. A moth lay on my windshield. "Come on Zayn, we need to go." He didn't object when I opened the door for him.

Once I was in, I couldn't look away from the moth. It was still on my window. Zayn must have noticed it too. He had a worried look on his face. Whenever there's a moth... she comes. I started up the engine and drove down the long road.

After we did get back to civilization, I called up Zayns parents, then his management telling them to meet me at the hospital. I took him there and ordered them to get him a private room right away. Too much people might frighten him, since he isn't use to it. Well, not anymore. The doctors checked his body making sure he wasn't hurt. All that was wrong, was that he was a little under fed. We asked him what he had to eat when he was in the woods, but he wouldn't talk. Not for anyone. His parents came immediately, they had tears running down their face just at the sight of him. They had their little reunion, but it ended just as quickly as it started.

The doctors say his mental health isn't good right now. They said he needed to be with someone who can help him, as soon as they said that I was already signed up for the position. I didn't mind having him stay with me. But, if my dreams were correct, he would not be the only one staying with me.

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