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** Victorias pov **

"Zayn Malik, the famous boy from the boy band One Direction, went missing on the 14th of December. No one knows who kidnapped him, or where they took him. Here we have one of his band mates, Louis Tomlinson, to tell us what happened on that dreadful night. Louis what do you remember from that night?"

"Zayn. He kept screaming. He was screaming at me to help him. But I couldn't! The door. It was locked. I tried to get in, b-but I couldn't. When we got in, h-he was gone. There was pools of his blood in the floor. A scream, it came from a window. Down in the street there was this thing holding him, hurting him! I couldn't get to him! He was in pain, and I couldn't help him! Then they just disappeared right in front of our eyes!"

The poor boy had this distant look in his eyes. They were bloodshot and filled with newly formed tears. Why they keep making him tell the horrible story everyday, I don't know. It surely wasn't helping with his health.

"Louis, you know that things can't disappear? Are you sure you didn't imagine it?"

The reporter was just provoking him. It made me sick, and hurt for the boy troubled by the memory of his missing band mate.

"But it did! It made this horrible noise then disappeared! I can see it now. I-It's right there! Give me Zayn back! Where is he?!"

Louis, ran to the corner of the room and started yelling for Zayn back. It confused me because nothing was there. The reporter was apologizing to the camera, for his behaviour. Saying he isn't the same and this was a normal thing now. People came in and tackled Louis. He struggled against them,still yelling at the corner of the wall. This happened to most of the band mates, except Liam, who I guess didn't see the creature. I watched most of the interviews the boys were in. They all did it, Liam just started doing it also, shouting at a random place in the room. It made me wonder what the 'creature' actually is.

I watched this interview over and over again, always trying to see what Louis sees.

The police gave up the search on Zayn, so did many other people. But One Directions fan base -directioners- never did. Their always on the look out. I see them when I just walk out of my house. They wear shirts with Zayns face on it, so it's not hard to tell if they're directioners or not.

I picked up my phone and dialed the number I mesmerized. It was the number of the boys manager. I want to talk to all the boys and ask them some questions. I want to know more about the 'creature' that took Zayn. Unlike other people, I believe them. Not many people believe in ghosts, or other spirits, but me, I believe in them all.

"Hello?" A husky voice rang into the phone.

"Hi, this is Victoria Terres. I am one of the people who are still trying to look for Zayn, and I wanted to know if I could just talk to the boys?" I bit my lip as I waited for his response.

He sighed then replied, "If you are still looking for Zayn, then you must watch the interviews the boys go to and how they act and respond after they begin to talk about.....it."

"Yes I have, and I know how they act! I believe them! I just want to know what the creature looks like and more about his kidnapping. Would you allow me a couple of minutes with each boy? To hear there point of view when the kidnapping happened?"

It was minutes before he actually responded. "I hate to put more stress on the boys, but, you can come and talk to them for a little bit. But once they hit," He stopped for a moment thinking, "That stage in the interview, we must stop the interview. Do we have an understanding?"

"Yes we do, what time would I be able to come in?"

"December, 30th would be fine. Are you available then?"

I thought for a moment. I don't have to work then, or go anywhere important. "Yes that's fine." We talked for a few more minutes, him giving me information on where to go, until he had to go.

I set my phone down at stared at my computer screen. It was paused on the part where Louis screams at the corner of the room. I looked closely, but still saw nothing out of the ordinary. Just a black shadow caused by the angle of the wall.

A loud crash got me out of my trance. I looked toward my kitchen. The light was off so I could see nothing. I turned on a lamp that was next to me, I rubbed my eyes. I thought I seen something move. I don't live with anybody, so it confused me more. I got up and walked into my kitchen. A picture of me and my mother was broken, laying of the floor surrounding by pieces of glass. I jumped as my cup of coffee fell. The liquid spilled all over my body in the picture, but stopped before it hit my mom. I looked around my kitchen, my confusion sky rocketing as a moth flew around the light on my stove. The window was closed, and it was winter so how could a moth be alive now?

I grabbed a cup and trapped the moth, that was chilling on my wall, and took it outside setting it free. I watched as it flew away, only to come back and settle on my house wall. I frowned but let it be.

I grabbed my journal form under my bed, openging to a clean page.


I managed to get an interview with each boy. I want to know more about Zayns disappearence. And the 'creature' that took him. Nows my chance. I watched Louis' latest interview again, still didn't see anything. Only a dark corner like always. Sometimes I wonder if they are just going insane. It would answer a lot of my questions about teh kidnapping. One question being the main one; Did a creature take Zayn? I tried looking things up, seeing if anyone else has been kidnapped by a strange being. Nothing came up. Only adding more reasons why I should just think the One Direction boys are going insane. But I'm not a judging person if I don't know the person, personally. I'm not sure how this interview is suppose to go. The manager said it would hvae to stop once the boys start acting up. I want them, minus Liam, to describe the creature. Maybe if I get enough details, I would find out who it is easier. That's if I can. I don't know why I want to find him so badly. I just feel the need too. So why not try?

Something strange happened today. It was the usual day, me watching interviews, but something broke in my kitchen. Doesn't sound irregular I know, put that's not the strange part. It was a picture of me and my mom. Then my coffee cup fell, and the liquid covered my body not my moms. And the strangest thing was there was a moth on my wall. A moth?! I didn't know they could survive winter weather. I let it go but it just flew to my house wall. I didn't think much of if. Just things, that I guess, happen to everyone.

Until next time,

Victoria x

I like to think someday my journal will be put in display, or it will have some really good info people would want to know about.

I slid it back under my bed then climbed in it.

"Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the lord my soul to keep. Please keep my hole family safe, and give me help on finding Zayn Malik." I prayed, like I did every night. I laid down and let sleep take me over.

** Nobodies pov **

As Victoria was sound asleep something evil took place in her closet. In it a hole opened. One single moth came out. That hole soon causing many things to happen. And allowed some dark thing in.



While I was writing the last bit, I got goose bumps O.o

Anyway, it's only midnight here but it's still March 10th. Sooo, now I cam start this story! YAY! Partayy! If you like it please vote, comment?



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