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Relieved at the dragons' acceptance, he went over to the door to knock, leaving Toothless in the clearing. He could still feel Drogon's 'you better not screw this up' look on his back, which remained present until the door opened. 

This time, it was neither Dany nor her mother who was on the other side. Instead, a man with very light blonde, shoulder-length hair pulled back into a ponytail greeted him. Like the other two members of his family, he had an unusually youthful face with not a strand of facial hair to speak of. He was tall and willowy with remarkably pale blue eyes; they had the same off-putting factor that his daughter's eyes did whenever Hiccup was able to look into them.

"Uh, hi, sir. I'm Hiccup," he stammered, extending a hand awkwardly.

The man looked him up and down appraisingly before he spoke in a lighthearted tone: "well, well, if it isn't the mythical Hiccup. I was beginning to think my daughter made you up just to avoid family dinners."

Hiccup wasn't quite sure how to respond to that, so he offered, "no, I'm definitely real. I'm friends with Dany."

He chuckled at the boy's unease and finally shook the teen's hand. "I'm Randolf; it's about time we met. I wish it was in better circumstances, though; it seems that you've gone and upset my Dany."

The boy winced at that. "I know, I'm sorry. I'd like to talk to her if. . . if I can."

Randolf studied him for a moment longer before he nodded, deciding that the brunet was being genuine. After all, if Dany had decided that he was her friend, he must be worthy of the title; she didn't make them easily. "Very well— but I will warn you: she's. . . not in the best of moods."

He nodded in acknowledgement of the man's words before he allowed Dany's father to lead him to the girl's room. Hiccup wasn't sure what he'd expected to find behind the closed door, but it certainly wasn't the scene of destruction that greeted him. He let out a quiet, "woah," at the sight of it.

Daenerys' room had always been a cluttered, messy place, but after her burst of anger it was ten times worse. Most of the carving projects that she had been working on (in various states of progress— she could never seem to stick to just one) were smashed to bits. Pieces of dragon statues littered the floor in sharp fragments. Her half-hearted attempts at making furniture were shattered beyond repair. The blonde sat in the middle of all the destruction, eerily calm. The only outward sign of distress about her was that her silvery hair was in even more disarray than usual.

She looked up at her father's footsteps, her questioning expression turning angry at the sight of the boy who lingered behind him. She pushed herself to her feet, not caring that her bare toes were in danger of walking over splinters as she approached them. The Targaryen put her hands on her hips as she glared at the brunet. "What's he doing here?"

Randolf chose his words carefully as he replied, "Dany, he's here to talk. He wants to apologize and sort things out."

The girl scoffed. "He missed that chance when he took her side. I'm done talking."

Although he'd known to expect it, Hiccup was still surprised at how angry she was with him. He knew that he hurt her, but this rage, especially in its physical form, seemed. . . excessive. But still, this was Dany, his best friend, and not even her worst moods would be enough to deter him from abandoning her. He stepped out from the shadow of her father and into her room, despite Randolf's hissed warning not to.

He took a deep breath and began: "Dany, I know you're angry with me, but I just wanted to explain what I meant last night. When I said 'that's what I did with you,' I wasn't referring to the strange part. I meant that I trusted you, and the best part about that decision was that we became friends— best friends. And I gave Heather the benefit of the doubt since I thought the same could be said of her; obviously I was wrong about her. I'm sorry that I made it seem that I would ever think about you like that."

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