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After the group's most recent adventures, Dany was taking some time to herself. Her daily flights with Drogon helped to refresh her mind and helped her appreciate her friends more than being around them every day would have. She decided that today's route would go along Berk's coastline so her dragon could practice his agility. While he would never be able to navigate the sea-stacks like Toothless could, it was always better to have some experience if they were ever in a pinch.

The cool ocean air whipped at her face as they sailed close to the waves. Drogon's wings were stretched as out as far his wingspan would allow, which was a considerable amount. Salty sea spray splashed in her face and stung her eyes while the wind tangled up her silvery-blonde hair into knots. Dany flung her arms wide as she laughed, enjoying the freedom of soaring across the relatively flat surface of the water as they made their way to the cliffs.

As they neared, she threw herself forward to sit lower on Drogon's back. The dragon, too, seemed to prepare himself for the practice run and she could feel his muscles shift from where her legs hugged his sides. Raising her voice slightly, she patted him encouragingly between the shoulder blades. "Come on, buddy! You can do this!"

Drogon's flame-orange eyes narrowed with determination at the sight of the approaching pillars. He gave one last push of air before he folded in his wings to send them shooting forward. Although his body was more muscular than any of her friends' dragons, it was still longer than it was wide. Using the momentum he'd gained from the last gust of air, he angled himself through the opening, weaving between the sea-stacks like a snake.

Once they were through the first one, he opened his wings a little to give himself a slight push to the next. This opening was a bit smaller and Dany's legs tightened to keep herself on his back as he all but turned sideways to make it. She let out an ecstatic 'whoop!' when they were through, though she resisted the urge to punch the air in triumph as the next one was soon upon them.

They spent several hours weaving through the pillars as best they could, though they still had to fly over the smallest ones rather than through them. Sometimes Drogon misjudged the spaces between the sea-stacks and his wings would clip on the rocks, causing them to spiral until they got their balance back. Dany always made sure to encourage him when this happened since she knew he was doing his best.

When their practice time ended, they always did something that they— well, at least she— liked. Once they'd cleared (or sort of cleared, depending on how well they made it through) the last rock formation, Drogon could finally open his wings to their full extent once again. Glad to be free of the restraining landscape, he shot upwards towards the clouds until the ocean fell away below them. The sun glinted in her eyes, burning away the chill that came with the high altitude. Dany took a moment to admire their surroundings, one that few people got to see: the rolling hills of fluffy whiteness that could shift and move like the tide beneath them, the clear, azure blue of the sky and even the tiny, far-away specks of other dragons as they flew at the same height as Dany and Drogon did.

Then, with another cry of excitement, the Targaryen would slide sideways off her dragon. Ever since Hiccup had introduced this move to her, she'd tried to do as often as she could. While it still wasn't truly flying, it was the next best thing. She enjoyed the weightlessness that came with her freefall, and even the rush of air that made her dress flap harshly against her legs. Once again, the girl stretched out her arms in an imitation of her dragon's wings, even though they did little to actually aid her in her descent. She closed her eyes, picturing herself soaring as a dragon rather than a human who was rapidly falling towards the earth.

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