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"Here they come!" Astrid called as Hiccup and Toothless rounded the flag marker.

Dany used her hand to shield her eyes against the sun as she looked up to where the pair whizzed past above them. As usual, Fishlegs stood at the sundial to keep their time.

"Yep, that's a new course record!" he announced.

When they landed, Hiccup hopped out of Toothless' saddle, looking at their timekeeper hopefully. "So, how'd we do?"

"Technically, you're still the fastest," Fishlegs said. "But someone— and I won't mention who— is gaining significant ground."

The brunet looked around in confusion, first to the twins, who'd gotten bored and were banging their helmets together. "Don't look at us!"

He then (almost habitually) glanced at Dany, who smiled in a flattered sort of way. "I wish, but it's not us, either. You know Drogon's not built for speed."

The large dragon lowered his head to let out a puff of warm air next to her ear in an affectionate gesture, grateful that his mother understood him for who he was. The boy's gaze then slid to the only remaining candidate— Astrid. She reached up and scratched Stormfly under the chin with a sidelong glance in his direction. Out of options, he turned back to Fishlegs. "How can that be? How can Toothless be getting slower?"

"He's not," the other boy told him. "Stormfly's getting faster."

"Oh really?" he asked the blonde as casually as he could. "Is that so? Anything you'd like to share, Astrid?"

"Let's just say I'm taking some of Dany's advice to experiment with what she eats," she answered smoothly, placing her hands on her hips defiantly. "Apparently, it's working. . . and making you mad."

Hiccup's gaze returned to the other girl, his tone taking on a lilting, teasing note. "Astrid's the one getting free advice? And what about me, milady? Are you trying to make me lose?"

Dany quickly became flustered as all of the attention was suddenly turned on her, and she ducked her head to stare at her bare feet. "I— well, Astrid just asked what was the best way to increase speed naturally, so. . . I told her?" Her reply turned upward at the end, as if she wasn't really sure she had been supposed to (as she wasn't entirely sure if he was joking or not.) "I mean, if I'm not going to win, I might do everything I can in support of girl power."

"That's what I'm talking about!" Astrid cheered, moving closer to the blonde with her palm outstretched for a high-five. Daenerys lightly tapped her hand in response, with far less force than what accompanied the usual gesture.

"Oh, I see how it is," Hiccup continued in the same tone, a faint smile turning his lips upward. "What do I have to do to get you on my side again?"

The Targaryen still refused to look anywhere in his direction, though the telltale sign of her face turning pink was enough to show how pleased she was by his question. "Um. . ." Uncertain as to whether he actually meant to get an answer, she hesitated a second too long before the moment was lost.

His usual obnoxious laugh preceded him as the remaining member of the Dragon Academy came soaring into the arena. Snotlout greeted them all with: "you will not believe what I just found."

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