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"I can't believe you said that to her!" Astrid exclaimed when they returned to Berk.

After their failure to retrieve the book, Heather had been secured in a cell. Hiccup hadn't gotten very far when the blonde had demanded he tell her what had happened with Dany. He now stood looking at her in confusion, just as lost as he had been the night before. "I don't get it, what did I say that was so wrong?"

She groaned in response. "Ugh! You can be such a muttonhead sometimes!"


"It's true," the Hofferson countered unapologetically. "What do you think you meant?"

"Just that I took a chance on Dany even though she did threaten to kill me, but instead we became best friends. Are you telling me there's another way that could've been interpreted?"

Astrid sighed. "You know Dany better than most of us. You know people still view her, her family, as outcasts. And then you go and call her strange while taking the new girl's side? Yeah, I'd be pretty mad, too."

Hiccup's eyes widened. "But I didn't mean it like that! She knows I didn't mean it like that, right?"

"Does she?" she asked archly. "Because you also know that Dany has a hard time understanding tone, especially sarcasm. It wouldn't be a stretch for her to accidentally take what you said the wrong way."

"Oh," he said as the realization dawned on him. That would explain why she'd been so hurt by what he'd said. He felt his heart twist in his chest at the idea that she could possibly think of her in such a negative way. Without wasting any more time, he went over to Toothless to climb onto his dragon.

"Where are you going?" the blonde called after him.

He got himself settled on the Night Fury's back before he replied, "to make things right."


Hiccup had to admit that he was a bit nervous when he arrived at the now-familiar cottage in the clearing. The dragons that were usually playfighting nearby were unsettlingly still as he landed. Viserion and Rhaegal were crouched low to the ground, their eyes trained on him as they stood on either side of Drogon. Their brother pinned the boy with his bright, flame-orange eyes as his lips curled back to reveal his sharp teeth.

The brunet winced at their reactions to his presence; he'd never felt threatened by dragons before, but it was clear that he wasn't welcome. They must have somehow sensed Dany's current feelings towards him. As he often was, Toothless was ready to protect him. He curled himself around his rider to face the other three with his ears back and teeth bared. His tail lashed agitatedly as he challenged the other dragons to just try and hurt his rider.

Hiccup laid a careful hand on the Night Fury's back to calm him, not wanting to provoke anything. He met Drogon's eyes and lifted his other hand placatingly. "I know I upset Dany last night; I'm just here to apologize and explain what I meant."

He could see the large dragon hesitate as he clearly thought that Hiccup didn't deserve a second chance. Then, Drogon glanced down at Toothless' fierce expression and he heaved a great sigh. Dany's dragon reluctantly folded his legs underneath him to settle on the ground. There was warning still written clearly on his face but, for his mother's sake, he would allow the boy to pass.

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