Chapter 12

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When me and Pablo got into the car he put his had on my thigh. I started to play my playlist making it completely silent between the two of us for the first ten minutes when he spoke up. "Y/N estás bien?" (Y/N are you ok?) I nodded my head while he continued. "Estás segura porque no te ves." (Are you sure because you don't look like it.)

"Solo estoy pensando como Kaylie va a reaccionar cuando le diga lo que me paso con Pedri." (Im just thinking how Kaylies' going to react when I tell her what happened to me with Pedri.) "No tiene novio?" (Doesn't she have a boyfriend?) "Si pero tú vistes lo que yo vi." (Yes but you saw what I saw.)

We arrived in the driveway of the house when I got a thought in my head. "Pablo puedo invitar a Kaylie y mi prima para hablar de todo?" (Pablo can I invite Kaylie and my cousin to talk about everything.) I asked him with a pleading smile and he let out a sigh of defeat. "Vale pero tenemos que hablar de lo que paso con nosotros en esta semana vale?) (Fine but we have to talk about what happened with us this week ok?)

I nodded my head and a big smile appeared on my face. I ran inside and put my password on lock because Pablo had upgraded it for I to have a password.

I ran upstairs to my room and started to call the group chat while Kaylie, Jazmine, and I.

You might be thinking why Pietra isn't in the group chat. Well all of our parents were always very strict when young. The three of us could never hang out. My mom and Kaylies mom became friends and we had about 10 hang outs.

In those hang outs we went to church where Jazmine would be at and we made a group chat to know when we're going to hang out and plan things because we were older.

Also I could already drive before them even though my cousin was older. So we would sneak out and I would drive them in my Audi around town to eat our favorite, Chick-fil-A.

Las Chambrosas. Tonta 🤪 -Kaylie
Puta 😍 Y/N
(The gossipers). Maldita 😝- Jazzy

Puta 😍- Guys can we hang out at Pablo's house I really need to talk to you guys.

Tonta 🤪- Yeah I'll be there but can you pick me up Jazzy?

Maldita 😝 - yeah I can I'll be there in 10 so we'll be at ur house in about 25 minutes.

Puta 😍- Ok I'll just get the stuff ready. Bye.

Maldita 😝 and Tonta 🤪- Byeee.

25 minutes later

I had gotten the snacks and decided to put music in the background. I went running downstairs to see Pablo with an open door greeting Kaylie and Jazmine.

"Hi guys I set up my room so we can go talk up there without any disruptions." I said narrowing my view to Pablo. I smiled as I saw his little cute confused face as we headed up the marble stairs.

As we entered my room my face turned serious. I sat on the light blue bean bag that was already placed in the room.

"Kaylie I'm sorry." I said as I took a deep breath and started to explain.

Kaylies's POV

I was confused as to why my best friend had said the words, "I'm sorry", but I pressed my lips and listened as she continued.

"When I was waiting outside the locker room for Gavi..." she hesitated and I grabbed her hand to reassure her that it doesn't matter what she's going to say everything is going to stay the same.

"Pedri took me to a corner and kissed me and told me he wanted me." She said on the verge of tearing up. My heart broke into a little small piece.

Not because that Pedri kissed her, hell no I was angry at him. I was sad because she thought I was going to be sad of the thought of him kissing her.

"Y/N it's ok. Yes I might have thought that he had feelings for me but you know I have a boyfriend that I am very happy with." I said as I hugged her a she gladly accepted.

"That's why I love you KK, your so understanding." She said while her face the crook of my neck.

As we got out of the hug I looked towards Jazzy to see her confused but then we decided to put Twilight on.

We ate all the snack including drinks, pop corn, and a lot of candy. Yes I ate the most because I had not told anyone that I had been heartbroken. Yes that's right me and Peter broke up...

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