Chapter 8

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I went down stairs and entered the kitchen. I heard the boys talking about something but when I entered they just went silent.

Y/N: "De que estaban Hablando?"

(What are you talking about?)

Pablo just looked up and down and smirked at me. I was confused until he whispered to me.

Pablo: "Que bonito color tenéis en tu cuello."

(What pretty color you have on your neck.)

I looked at him confused until I put the pieces together. I quickly put my hoodie on to try and cover it and he gave me a thumbs up.

I grabbed my snack bowl and headed over the 2 seated couch. In my bowl I had sour patch kids, recees, chip ahoys, hershey kisses, and a little bag of popcorn.

A few minutes later, everyone came in with  their bowls. I already had 2 blankets and 3 pillows all to myself.

I turned my head to see Pablo wanting to sit down with me. I got up from my comfortable position and let him sit on the couch first. He laid down but sat up  making me go in between his legs. We didnt really care.

I was dying to watch Culpa Mia so they put it on since there was nothing else better to watch. A few minutes into the movie, I started cuddling Pablo with one of his arms around my shoulders. I started to close my eyes when I heard barking.

Y/N: "Pedri, tu tenies un perro?"

(Pedri, you have a dog?)

Pedri: "No yo no tengo. Anda velo está abajo." (No I don't have one, go ahead and look for it it's downstairs.)

I looked at him weird and got up.

When we got their the barking got even louder until we got to some sort of cage that was covered. "Pablo tu abrilo yo tengo un poco de medio." (Pablo you open it, I'm kind of scared.)I said," Si princessa." (Yes princess.) He opened it and out came a happy CoCo. I quickly picked him up and introduced him to Pablo and he took CoCo for a minute and CoCo seemed to like him already. We ran upstairs with big smiles on our faces.

"Como lo pudisteis hacer. Pedri?" (How could you do it Pedri?) I questioned Pedri as I gave him a hug. "Bueno algunas veses es bueno hacer Pedro Gonzales." (Well sometimes it's good being Pedri Gonzales.) I then burst out laughing just cuddling with CoCo as me and Pablo got into our old positions.

Kaylie Pov

When the movie finished, me and Pedro where sharing a blanket. I look up at him as he was turning off the TV. I looked to where Y/N and Pablo where and they were asleep. They were laying down but sitting up straight with Y/N on his chest and CoCo in between her legs.

I told Pedri to look their way he said, "Lo Sabia, donde estan mi €50 mhm?" (I knew it where are my €50) I started laughing and said, "You are thinking about money now when we can tease them about this." "Of course, just hand me my phone it is next to the counter." I passed him his phone and he snapped about 3 pictures of them. "I'll send these to them later." He said as he picked up his phone. I then remembered, "I don't have your phone number can I maybe have it." I said as I passed my phone to him. He smiled and nodded and gave me his phone. We exchanged numbers and went upstairs.

Pablo POV

I was sound asleep when I felt something move making me get up. I later saw CoCo jumping off the sofa. It was about 10 P.M. and I was exhausted. The last thing I remember is watching a movie with the others and Y/N falling asleep on me. WAIT Y/N ON ME!!! I then saw her still sound asleep in her same position. I smiled down at her.

I was playing with her very curly hair when she started to move. "Hola princessa, lo siento por despertandote." She smiled at me and said, "Esta bien amor." I loved being called that name from her. In our moment I got a phone call and just answered it without looking at the name.

The phone call was this...


"No porque voy a estan en la casa?"
(No why would I be at home?)

"Porque Teneis que sacra a Milo. Porque estamos en vacasiones?"
(Because you have to take Milo out. Because we're in vacation.)

"Oh shit ya voy es que estoy en la casa de Pedri. Bye te amo."
(Oh shit I'm going it's just that I'm at Pedri's house. Bye love you.)

Bye Pablo


When I heard him say, "te amo." My face fell of course he was just using me as a doll. When he finished I asked, "que paso?" (What happened?) "Es que Aurora y mis padres estan por Englaterra sin mi, y me toca cuidar a Milo." (It just the Aurora and my parents are in England without me, and I have to take care of Milo.) I looked at him with a confused face, " Quieb es Aurora? Y tenis in perro?!" (Who is Aurora and you have and dog?)
"Si tengo un pero y Aurora es me Herman." (Yes I have a dog and Aurora is my sister) I looked at him embarrassed, I forgot he had a sister. "Que no Sabias que tenia Herman. Hay alguien esta selosa?" (Didn't you know I had a sister. Is someone jealous?) He said wiggling his eyebrows. "No claro que no." (No of course not) "Ok, vale pero tengo que ir, quires venue conmigo?" (Ok well I have to go, do you want to come with me?) He said looking at me with those eyes I love. "Ok si, solo voy a ir y hagrar ropa." (Ok yes I'm just going to get some cloth.)

I went upstairs and grabbed my soccer bag because Xavi said I could train with the boys. I also got a pair of Pj's and other clothes just in case I would need it. I went to my bathroom and got my toothbrush just in case Pablo didn't have extras and went down stairs.

We got into his white Cupra and started to drive. His house wasn't far from Pedri's it was a 15 minute drive.

When we arrived at his house we were greeted by a brown cava poo. He was so cute. I got on my knees and he started to lick my face. "Milo para!" (Milo stop!) Pablo said with a strict voice and he obeyed. "Pablito Esta bien yo tengo un perro tambien." (Pablito it's ok I have a dog as well.) I said patting Milo's head.

"Quires dormir con migo o sola?" (Do you want to sleep with me or by yourself?) He asked kinda nervous. "Si Esta bien, puedo dormir con tigo." (Yes it's ok I can sleep with you.) A smile appeared on his face. He took my hand and led me to his room. When I entered his room he had an average seize. It was big but average. I flopped on his bed and said, "Esta cama es muy confortable." (This bed is very comfortable) He just stared at me and got closer.

He looked from my eyes to lips and I nodded. The next thing I know is that our lips were together and we were making out. We broke apart for air and smiled at each other. I got up from my spot and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I came back to a comfortable Pablo on his phone. I got under the covers and started to sleep when he kissed my head and lips and whispered, "buenas noches princesa."  (Good night princess) That night I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

The bad thing is that I could not stay with anyone else except for the player we were assigned. Pablo didn't know but I sure did. And here I am on my first day braking a rule.

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