Part 29

11 5 3

(Warning: this one's boring af😇)

"ow! Oh my God, ouch! It hurts." Eunseo cried as Mrs. Kim entered the forceps inside her wound to take the bullet out.

"Just how much careless and dumb can you be Taehyung?" Mrs. Kim yelled. Tears started gathering in the corners of her eyes as she listened about the incidents her son, Eunseo and Ella experienced.

"I know I am dumb mom but what could I do. That girl said things that made me worried. So I couldn't help but go, after that I don't remember anything and then I woke up at that basement with Eunseo and Jimin." Tae said pointing at Jimin.

Right now they were in Konkuk University Medical Center where Mrs. Kim works. Thankfully it happened to be the nearest hospital after Minyeong's place. It was maybe their lucky day that Mrs. Kim had night shift today. Even though she was one of the top doctors, she liked performing night shifts.

It was just Jin and Jimin with them in there cause the other guys were fine and Jin told them to go home.

"By the way, How are your wounds Jin?" Mrs. Kim asked.

"they're better now... Aunty." Jin said.

"Right now I'm the most confused person. What the hell just happened? You know, my brain is just so jammed that I can't even think of anything. All the thoughts are just running in it like it's a busy street and they are vehicles. Can anyone just help me clear them?" Tae said stomping his foot.

"I'll be volunteering." Jin said raising his hand with a smile.

Jimin looked at him then at Tae. He paused for a moment before hesitantly raising his hand too. "I'm in too."

They looked at Eunseo who's eyes were pricking with tears.

"Eunseo?" Tae called.

"huh?" Eunseo responded looking up at him.

"Eunseo I know what type of things are running inside your mind but for now, please relax. You're already injured. You should get some rest and shrug off all the thoughts. We'll explain everything tomorrow." Jin said.

She didn't response and just nodded while looking down.

"we'll head back now then." Jin said and looked at Jimin signaling him to stand up.

"aunty please don't scold them. Kang Minyeong is a really dangerous person he could've done worse. Please keep an eye on them." Jin said to Mrs. Kim and she hummed in response. "I think he'll try to attack again so it'd be better if you keep yourselves guarded."

"excuse me, Mister." Ella suddenly spoke up looking at Jin.

"yes?" Jin replied turning at her.

Ella stood up. "first of all really really thank you for helping us. I can't imagine what would happen to us if you didn't help. But I'm curious about who you are and how do you know my sister and Taehyung." Ella asked.

"uh, it's my pleasure that I got to help you. And I'm Han SoJin. I'm Taehyung and Eunseo's friend....maybe?" Jin said looking at Tae and Eunseo with a questioning expression.

"ofcourse/obviously" the other two spoke with some 'are you serious' faces at the same time and Jin chuckled a little.

"He's Jimin." Jin said pointing at Jimin and he bowed a little. "so the thing is, Jimin contacted us and told about his situation so we ran to that location after tracking the phone number. But the most shocking thing was we found Eunseo and Taehyung there with Jimin. And you know what happened later." Jin ended looking down.

"He was the one I talked about on that day that, I made a new friend and he's at our place." Eunseo spoke.

"oh, and you know aunty- I mean Mrs. Kim too?" Ella asked.

"she was the one who treated me that day, thanks to her that I'm all fit and fine now" Jin said bowing to Mrs. Kim and she smiled in response.

"Oh, thank you Mr. Han. I can't thank you enough for what you've done for us. I owe you a lot." Ella said and bowed.

"no no you don't need thank me. I just repaid my debt." Jin said rubbing the back of his neck being shy.

"what do you mean?" Ella raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"it's a long story I'll tell you later." Eunseo interrupted from the background. "before that I have some questions."

"Me too!" Tae said raising his hand.

"how do you know Kang Minyeong?" asked Eunseo.

"and how do you have a gun?" Tae asked.

Jin acted calm and smiled at them. "just as you said, it's a long story. I'll tell you everything later. For now get some rest."

"but I'm all okay." Tae whined.

"I'll tell you both together." Jin said.

Tae and Eunseo just sighed.

"wait." Tae said and walked up to Jimin with a bright smile on his face. "Friends?" He said forwarding a hand towards Jimin.

Jimin looked at Jin at first. It was like, he was asking his hyung if he should accept the proposal.

In response Jin smiled and nodded his head.

Jimin didn't think more and forwarded his hand too.

Another handshake, another friendship but no one knew what that friendship will pull them into.

"are you going to tell them about your real identity?" Jimin asked Jin who was sitting beside him.

"no." Jin responded.

Jimin nodded and looked outside through the opened window of the car.

"Let's go to our dorm for now." Jin said to the driver.

The driver nodded and started the engine driving off to the address.

Hyello! How are ya'll doing?
My exams ended and I finished two more dramas actually😅 and I'm thinking of taking a break (from dramas) for now so I'm all free 'for now' . gonna write and write in the mean time so get ready.

Well I'm not promising to upload regularly (yk incase if something comes up.) but I'll try to.
Nowadays my mom's been going to shopping a lot and sometimes I have to go with her and that is the main reason maybe uploadings will be delayed.

Plus! We'll be going to my grandma's and stay there for some weeks so that means we'll visit many uncles, aunties and cousin.

Who cares about them though? 😒 Writing is more important .💃 Don't worry🤚🏻

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