She looked familiar, but I couldn't remember why.

"Uh, do I... know you?" I asked rather cautiously.

The girl pouted at not being recognized and said with a cute huff, "It's me! Vina!"

My eyes widened as a rush of memories flowed through me.


Elementary School

It was a cold winter day. Snow fell from the horizons above. The chilly gale swept through the courtyard like a ravenous wraith.

We were all doing what any normal kid would do when it's snowing: having snowball fights. This was during the time when I met Alice and introduced her to Vali. And also, this was the time when Alice began to be smitten with my twin brother. Personally, I didn't really care. I was one of those kids who thought girls weren't worth my time. I was too busy playing with Pokemon cards anyway.

So the three of us were throwing snowballs at each other. Alice and I were battering Vali with snowballs; me because I thought it was funny; and Alice because it was a way to indirectly show affection.

"Come on guys, stop targeting me!" Vali said with a laugh, but was quickly shut up by me throwing a snowball to his face.

"Nah," I snickered.

"Never!" Alice giggled and threw another snowball.

Vali eventually fell on his ass, groaning as he tried to extricate himself from the snow's embrace. Alice laughed at him and went over to help him up.

As she did this, I got distracted by a strange sight. A certain girl with teal hair was sitting alone in the snow, looking at the woods that stood adjacent from the school. Normally I would go along with my day without a care in the world, but for some reason I had a sudden urge to approach her.

She must have heard my footsteps, but she didn't react. "What?" she asked.

"I'm sorry, I'm just curious. Why are you sitting alone?" I wondered.

"Well, all of the other kids are kind of lame," she shrugged. "Like, what is this, some kind of TV show?"

"Oh, so someone else feels that way?" I smirked wryly. "Thought I was the only one."

"It's like we're living in some kind of... what do you call it? Anime?"

"It is cliché," I chuckled.

We began to talk some more and we realized we had more common interests than I thought. She played videogames, too, but she wasn't nearly as avid as I was. It made me want to turn her into a hardcore gamer.

Apparently, Vina didn't feel like she fit in. She was rather vague about it, but I could tell her circumstances were different than most. I wondered about her background.

We quickly became friends. I usually left Vali and Alice alone and went to hang out with Vina. She adapted to games super quickly to the point where I needed to go tryhard to make sure she couldn't catch up to me.

But as the months went by, I found that she was getting clingier, almost as if she wanted my attention and my attention only. But she was a great friend so I didn't really mind.

Then one day she showed how much of a badass she was.

This was during the time when Gabriel constantly harassed us. This day, however, he chose the wrong time.

Vina and I were in the courtyard after school, about to walk home, when Gabriel walked up to us, smirking.

"'Sup, loser. Did you get yourself a girlfriend?" he said, inspecting Vina. "She's kind of pretty. Why is she with you?"

My Twin Brother is the Harem Protagonist? (Male Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang