Chapter - 7 A plan.

Start from the beginning

I get she doesn't want too, we made a life here together and i don't wanna shatter it but i would rather live my life with her in the real world not this kind of world where we could die any minute.

But she took me by surprise when she lifts her head back up and smiles up at me her eyes shine so much with the light reflecting off of them they shimmer and glow and i force a smile too.

She reaches out and grabs mine hands that are still cupping her face. "Yeah i know we do, so what's the plan of getting out of here?" I lean my head forward to rest against hers and explain my plan to her.


I wish i could just walk right into that office and punch the living hell out of that old motherfucker. I pace back and forth biting on my fingernail and i can't seem to relax. Really did he think i had time to call for help?!

I mean all i did was trying to save my friend from being killed! And he had the guts to say i should have call for backup and not use myself as bait?! "Calm down Kimiko." Emiko says from across me as i keep pacing.

"I can't, he just pisses me off." I throw my hands up and lower them back down next to my sides

"Listen, i get that you wanna go up there and punch the living shit out of him but we need to sit here and wait for Kirito and Asuna to get here." Emiko folds her arms in front of her and leans back against the wall.

How can she be so calm right now, after all that has happen she should be freaked out, uncomfortable, scared. Yet here she is relax like a cat bathing in the sun with her eyes closed and her arms crossed.

I sighed and walk over to her and sat down next to her and lean my back up against the wall. I also do shut my eyes and fold my arms across from me. "What do you think they wanna talk to us about?" She asked from beside me.

"I don't know maybe another boss room to fight." I yawn.

"You sound tired." I nodded still keeping my eyes shut. "Because i am."

"Meh, well come on wake up." She shakes me now, i force my eyes open and stare at her as she still shakes me like a leaf. "Hey cut it out!" I push her away and she has the nerves to chuckle.

She stops and looks over my shoulder and i give her a confuse look and turn my head to see what she was looking at, Kirito and Asuna half jog over to us and stop midway to catch their breath.

"Hey, sorry for the short notice." Kirito pulls himself back up and gives me a small wave, "It's okay, what's up?" I pull myself up from the ground and dust my butt off in the process. "We have a plan." Kirito says.

"And that plan is?" I turn around and face the two.

Kirito leans up against the wall and crosses his arms behind his head and stares up at the sky. "We talked to Heathcliff about our plan and we are on for it.

I raise a brow at them and control my rage from them not telling me what it is, but i lose it. "What is this plan?!" I say out of frustration.

Kirito chuckles lightly and lifts both his brows at me and goes on about his plan that me and Emiko have been already waiting for.

"We are going to floor 75 in three days, we are trying to get everyone in this game to join us."

Me and Emiko look back at each other giving the same face expression. "Why so many players?" Emiko asked breaking eye contact with me and eyeing Kirito who is still leaning up against the wall looking cool as ever.


"Well because it's a huge boss, Heathcliff says it's a powerful one so we need as many players as we can get." Once i heard Asuna bring up it's name i wanted to cuss my brains off but..

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