"I'm great" she said shortly.

"I noticed you and Montgomery haven't been together lately" she looked at him wondering what he would ask next "Did something asked, anything that I can help you with?"

"We fought, it's normal couples do that sometimes" Mia's eyes looked around the room, not wanting to face him.

"If you need-"

"Anything, I know I can come here" she cutted him "Can I leave now? Because we both know that will never happen" she asked grabbing her bag from the floor.

"Justin is back, did you know?" her eyes imidiatly went to his "News travel fast in these halls, right" he laughed "Do you know where he is? I am just trying to help him" Porter explained.

However, Mia didn't said a word, instead she shruggered and bitted her lower lip.

"Mia I'll be honest with you, I know what is like to try to be strong all the time, keeping your problems all to you, but it does not work" he warned the blonde in front of him. She broke eye contact to look at her nails.

"I am not telling you to talk to me, but you should talk with someone. Specially you, a young girl that has been through so much pain, more than anyone of us in this school has. Please take care of yourself" he adviced her, she grabbed her bag and waked to the door, before grabbing the handle she looked back at Mr.Porter.

"I'm doing just fine on my own, like I always have. I don't need your petty Mr.Porter, specially when it comes due to regret for not helping a student before." she told him before leaving trying to leave but Mr.Porter spoke quiker than her step.

"You are mad at her" He pointed, Mia stoped in her track, right in front of the open door "You are mad at Hannah Baker" Mia Jensen tiurned around, listening to his words that made so much sense to her and his eyes shining with finally getting a reaction from the younger teen.

"Of course I am, we all should be" she commented, he didn't said a word letting her thoughs come out of her mouth as truthfully as they could be, letting her express herself freely "She was selfish" With his foot Mr.Porter slided the chair away from the other side of his desk, allowing Mia to sit back again.

"You don't think she made the right decision?" he aksed her, watching as she bitted down her lower lip and her eyes travel to the floor "Like I said she was selfish".

"Why do you say that?" she shruggered pretending like she didn't had the answer in the tip of her tongue "You can tell me your opinion Mia" and for an unkown reason Mia felted like she really could tell him "Killing yourself doesn't make the pain go away, it only passes it to the people closer to you. So yes, Hannah was selfish and a coward for doing that. She teared apart her family" even with opposite opinions on the matter, Mr.Porter was able to understand her.

"You know what  I think, I think that the people that do what Hannah did are very brave, can you imagine the pain you have to have in order to think that's your only get away" she shaked her head at his words, she knew what pain was but not because she was bullyied, not because the popular kids didn't want to be her friends, because she was baused as a child, that's true pain.

"Hannah wanted attention, I mean, she never expirienced real pain. She ended her life because I didn't want to be her friend, because my guy friends are assholes?" she asked rhetorically "You can't tell me that's real pain, not to my face Mr.Porter, because doing that just showed me that you really don't give a crap about us. And all this inspirational speeches are only to make you feel better, because you and the rest of us aren't at all diferent. You killed Hannah more than us, you are the adult in this school you should have helped her" Mia pointed, her tone getting louder and meaner as the words leave her mouth.

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