part 31

889 10 4

-we got in and i went upstairs and changed into a random hoodie and nike pro shorts, i take my make up of to then go downstairs and sit in between chunkz and aj-
"niko wheres sharky gone?"
"you was last with him how dont you know"
"oh my days your useless"
-i get my phone out and start watching tik tok-
"whats happening with you and him?"-niko
"hes being weird. I could deal with him being the one to shoot me id get over it simple, but the not helping me takes it a little further. Then letting that girl touch him and not doing anything."
"so what you gonna do? break up with him?"-aj
"no. I love him to much for that. I might try give us both time to cool down and talk to him tomorrow about it when im not drunk"
"thats good"-aj
"yep. But for now i want to drink more"-I said getting up going to the cuboards and getting a bottle of vodka out drinking some
"pass it"-kenny
I hand it to kenny and wait for it back.
"i think sharky liked you getting protective like that"-chunkz
"why do you say that?"
"look"-he says showing me sharkys story and it has a tik tok on there going 'when she shows she's jealous and dont let any girl touch you'
"liked it so much he dragged me of"
"he kind of had to before you got arrested. Or killed her"-niko
Kenny passes the vodka back and i take it drinking more.
"im going my room"
I walk upstairs to my room slowly as everything was fuzzy from being drunk, i walked into my room and flopped onto my bed drinking more vodka and staring at my wall.
I heard the front door and guessed sharky was back.

After about 10 ish minutes of me drinking i started feeling really sick, i ran into my bathroom throwing up and heard someone come into my room then my bathroom and hold my hair.
After a few minutes i stopped being sick and sat against the wall with my eyes closed.
"ill go get you some water"-sharky
It was sharky that was holding my hair back. This is one the many reasons i love him, we're pissed at eachother and he still comes to help me when i need it.
He walked out coming back not long after with some water, he put it on my bed stand and came into the bathroom picking me up and sitting me on my bed passing me the water

I drink it slowly then put it on my bed side table and grab sharkys hand pulling him on to the bed.
"i didnt mean to kick of as much as i did"
That was the most of an apology he was gonna get as i dont think i did anything wrong, maybe couldve handled it better but thats the way ive always handled things.
"we dont have to talk about it now" He said taking his hoodie of and getting up grabbing some other shorts out my wardrobe.
"get changed baby then go to sleep"-sharky
"stay with me?"
"of course, get dressed though. Ill be back in a second just gonna let the lads know your okay"
He said before walking out.

I took my clothes of changing in to the ones he gave me. I love his hoodies. They smell like him and remind me of home and my safe place.
He comes back up and grabs my hair brush sitting behind my brushing my hair.
Princess treatmenttt
Once hes done brushing it he puts it in a low ponytail as thats all he knows how to do.
He lays down and opens his arms for me to lay on which i happily do.
He runs his hand over my back and kisses my head
"i love you baby."-sharky
"i love you to handsome"

Sharkys pov

Tonight was very eventful. Our arguement. Her fight. Being sick. And yet im still here with her laying on me fast asleep. No matter what ill always be here for her. She means the world to me.

I look down admiring her sleeping. She looks so peaceful while asleep. Earlier after i dropped niko of here i went to get stuff to hopefully help y/n. I got the cream out my pocket pulling her hoodie up to the bruise and putting it on rubbing it in really gently.

Ill never forgive myself for doing this to her. Shes my favourite person. One day i want to have kids with her, have mini us running about in our own house. Maybe even a little dog.
I love her forever no matter how hard it gets.

Hard love (Sharky x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now