Part 11

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"ready, go!"-george (the camera man) says
"whats up guys! today we are going to be doing match the child to the parent! we got ajs sister y/n with us again since you guys liked her so much last time! and also by the time this is posted her song will be out! go check it out its called you broke me first by y/n shabeel! and check out her socials all linked below"-chunkz
"thank you chunkz"
"okay bring in the parent!"
*she comes in and sits on the chair*
"hello what is your name?"-sharky
"my name is yvette"
"and one of these children are yours yvette?"-niko
"so we will call you auntie yvette just out of respect which niko clearly doesnt have as he just said yvette"-chunkz
"no no"-niko
"niko has no respect for black woman"-aj
"wow niko just wow"
"now! bring in the childr- wait that sounds a bit mad"-kenny
"go on say it"-niko
"no no you say it"-kenny
"kenny was going to say bring in the children and he sounded excited about it"-chunkz
*everyone laughs then they start coming in*
"could you all introduce yourself one by one please starting with number one"-sharky
"my names nylah im 10 years old"-nylah
"that is a nice name, aye shes even got her own merch"
"loving the hoodie"-aj
"very nice hoodie"-chunkz
*the rest all introduce theirself keon 15,noah 12,Terence apparently 7,Elaycia 6*
"aw elaycias cute. AND Before you dickheads say anything! i dont mean it like a nonce"
"alright anyways!"-kenny
"my sisters a nonce"-aj
*you get up walking over to him and pull his chair back so he falls and he starts chasing you*
"oi oi! i will get the 7 yr old that's actually 39 on you! youd back me wouldnt you terence?"
"no im 7"-terence
"yeah yeah" *you go and sit back down aj also sitting back down*
"okay! anyway this is very difficult so we're just gonna skip to round two and get rid of two next round!"-sharky
"okay can you tell us something naughty you done before and how you were disciplined?"
*aunt yvette pulls a face at this*
"ahhh! did you see her face when i said discipled"
*they all start laugh eventually dying down and letting the children answer*
"so i was really little my mum took me into a sweet isle and i was in my pram and grabbed a sweet and hid it from her in my pram"-nylah
"i done that before"-kenny
"and she took me back to the car was putting me in my car seat and she realised i had taken sweets so she went to give them back and i couldnt have my ipad for like a day or something"
"shes good"-aj
"thats such a believable story"
"shes the daughter"-niko
"that's something a kid would do"-sharky
"number two"-chunkz
"so i snuck out before went to see my friends my mum thought i had just gone to the shops or something i come back and shes sat on the sofa shes not happy shes realised i went out with friends and she had a very embarrassing photo of me from when i was seven and im shirtless and running around she sends it to all my friends"
"your school friends?"-aj
"my school friends yeah"-keon/number two
"so yeah and they all reposted it everywhere"-keon
"oh my god.."
"alright number three"-kenny
"well uh my grandad died im a car crash and he wanted to get a gift for my mum it was a jesus statue"-noah/number three
"alright sweet"
"number four"-niko
"year one when i went to my first school they didnt have the uniforms that fit me"-terence/#4
"i wonder why"-sharky
"so my dad thought itd be a good idea to dress me up in clothes that was kind of the same colour to the uniform"-terence
"quick question, how tall was you in year one"
"5 foot"-terence
"you was almost as tall as me, in year 1"-aj
"are you irish?"-chunkz
"are you english what country are you from?"-chunkz
"im from here"-terence
*they all laugh a bit*
"its uh its a condition"-terence
"whats it called?"
"uh lesgoism"-terence
"thats what the doctors said"-terence
"yeahh doctor boombastic"-terence
*they all laugh*
"so what did you do wrong again?"-sharky
"oh yeah so my dad thought itd be a good idea to dress me in the same kind of colours as the uniform but i thought itd be funny if i went in and pretended to be a substitute teacher"
"yeah that worked"-chunkz
"yeah it didnt go down well"-terence
*everyone laughs again*
"i got sent to the principals office straight away and my mum had to come get me and she was like oh you think your big man you can drive us home"-terence
"and you did?"-sharky
"well uh pfft when my mums angry you dont want to mess with her man"-terence
"and number 5?"-aj
"so when i went to the shops i think i was 4 or 3 and i started running all around the shop and then she tried to chase me and then i just keep on running and then when i got home she started beating me"-elaycia/number 5
"that went left okay"-aj
*theyre all laughing*
"i got beat as a kid"-kenny
"put your hand up if you got beat"-sharky
*we all put our hands up except niko*
"yeah i got hit once"-niko
"he got his ear flicked"
*theyre all laughing again*
"you good over there?"-aj
"im good"-aunt yvette

"so answer my question starting with number five and were gonna go back that way what's your favourite thing about your mum?"-sharky

"so my favourite thing about my mother isss when i do my prayer and i like when she like hugs and kisses me because it makes me feel like happy"-number 5
"i want a kid now"
"we know who can give you one"-niko
"shut up"
"anyway number four whats your favourite thing about your mother?"-sharky
"so it was my fifth birthday it was during covid"-terence
"you sure it was your fifth not your 30th?"
*the boys laugh and terence shakes his head*
"anyway so i couldn't have any friends over so i had a teddys bear picnic by myself and this lady came up and start shouting saying i was to old to be doing that and i was like miss im five years old"-terence
*you niko and sharky couldnt stop laughing*
"so my mum heard this and she came over with these cute little teddy bear ears sat down and was like miss is there a problem and the lady was like you guys are crazy and she was like maybe we are. She got this lady of my back without any voilence without any swearing just by being supportive of me."
"number three?"-aj
"uhm my favourite thing about my mum is her shoes taste and the shoes she buys me like these jordans"-noah/number 3
"shirts even better"-sharky
"whos your favourite player?"-chunkz
"yeahhh"-sharky and chunkz
"number two?"
"i think the favourite thing about my mum is probably how organised she is she always has everything ready like when i go out with my friends mums they barely have anything but my mum always has everything all together"-keon/number two
"so my favourite thing about my mum is that she like is careless like if somebody tells her something she doesnt want to hear she doesn't care and if you like annoy her then youve made a bad choice"-nylah
"oh dear you dont wanna do that"-niko
"yeahhh mum don't play games"-chunkz
"like even me! dont like annoy her just leave her alone dont talk to her" -nylah
*they all laugh*
"how old were you when you met your mum?"-niko
"wait what?"-nylah
*they laugh*
"how old were you when you met your mum for the first time?"-niko
"i guess like..a few minutes?"-nylah
"a few minutes old okay, number two?"-niko
"i think i was probably about 28"-keon/#2
"hes trolling us back"
"hes good hes good i like him"-chunkz
"number 3"-niko
"10 minutes old"-noah/#3
"why 10 minutes?"-niko
"doctor had to search me make sure im okay"-noah
"stop and search already?"-chunkz
"thats a bit years later"
*everyones laughing for about a minute before managing to calm down and continue*
"did they find anything when they searched you?"-niko
*they all laugh again*
"little mans funny"
"we found a weapon"-sharky
"moving on swiftly"-aj
*the other two answered then they voted out 2 and 4 then moved onto the next round and that round voted out number one nylah it got to the last round and they voted out noah then brought in the rest of the children and it turned out we got it right and it was elaycia*

A/n:sorry this was such a long chapter i realised part way through how boring it probably is n decided to finish it quickly the next chapter will be better i promise!

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