"Sit next to Jo." Pansy suggested, her head tilted towards her. Draco's eyes followed her movement and landed on her - on her concentration as she was drawing in her notebook. She hadn't heard what Pansy said.

"Draco, if you want you can sit here with me." His attention was stolen by a Ravenclaw girl as she smiled and nodded towards the empty spot next to her.

Draco ignored her, without taking his eyes off Josephine, before shooting a quick look at the Ravenclaw, "No." He shortly spat and marched over the girl at the back, leaving her stunned.

Draco's fingers grabbed the chair and pulled it, dragging it against the wooden floor. The sound caused by it, causing Josephine to jolt. As soon as she realized who was about to sit next to her, was shocked, "Did someone hit your head with a hammer, Malfoy?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Shut up, I'm basically forced." He harshly hissed as his body slipped to her left and placed his plastered arm on the desk.

The lesson started and they didn't speak, and didn't even shoot any look to each other. Still, sometimes with the corner fo his eye, Draco peered what she was drawing. At the beginning, he didn't grasp what it was, but then it became clear.

It was Josephine's cat or as Draco liked to call it - her clump of hairs.

Josephine loved Bizet so much, it was her whole life. She always cuddled it, played and occasionally took it in the garden for it to have fun with Crookshanks, Hermione's cat. They loved each other, even if sometimes they seemed to be about to kill one another.

Bizet wasn't an ordinary cat. It let himself to be cuddled by anyone, didn't scratch, didn't hiss and was really cute. There was no cat sweeter than Bizet. Its hairs were black, but its belly and paws were white, that's why its nickname was 'the poss in boots'.

Draco didn't like cats, he preferred dogs, especially the hunting ones. Till last year, he used to enjoy to bother Bizet when Josephine wasn't around. He stopped after she painted his owl in neon yellow, and Draco didn't dare to touch her cat anymore.

"Listen, mudblood..." He snarled with disdain, "Take note for me." His words spilled out of his mouth without an ounce of kindness.

Josephine freezed and her head slowly turned to face him. As Draco perceived her movements, gave a cold look back to her, "No." She merely said, "Do it on your own." Her jaw clinched because of his impoliteness and returned to draw. The blonde's eyes still on her.

His scorn for listening a brat speaking to him like that, caused him to go on a rampage, "How am I supposed to do that, you stupid?" Draco rudely boiled in a whisper.

"Not my problem. Use you other hand or your feet, if you like." Josephine shrugged, proving to be utterly disintereted.

"You're boredom in person..." He puffed, irritated, as his plastered arm moved closer to Josephine's desk, for him to take out his book. Draco opened it and started reading.

Josephine's attention was immediately caught by the plaster wrapped around Malfoy's arm. The idea of drawing on it lighted her mind. She wondered if he could be angry for it, but temptation was too strong to resist.

With a silent snap of a finger, a thin paintbrush and purple, white and dark green colors appeared on her desk. She already knew what to do.

Josephine grinned, amusingly, and carefully pressed the paintbrush soaked by the color on the plaster, checking that the boy didn't react. She noticed how focused on reading he was, too focused to realize what was happening, so she started working.

Everything was going well, untill Draco felt something warm on the bare spot of his arm, and realized something's wrong. He lowered his gaze and saw Josephine's head, leaning over his arm. Her left hand steadly wrapped around it to keep it still. That warmth came from the tip of her little finger that touched his skin.

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