Chapter 0: Prologue

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The day the Embodiments descended 9000 years ago where mankind never existed, they were described by the original people as Usurpers for their plan to change the world.

One was amused, one was bemused. The original people was against the descenders' plan.

They plotted a great war, a war against the Throne of Divination, who will reign as the ruler of the world. That is until, the original people of the world lost this ancient battle.

Since then, the Embodiments was declared as the 'Gods' of this world.

Their plan was to rebuild the world. They created humans who they have shared their fragment of power with.

For their reign of 7000 years, they had not expected nor in fact, they really did not expected one of them to actually betray the group.

The Embodiment of Surprise, the God symbolizing the Ace of Spades was actually a descendant of the original people in that world.

She declared war against the 5 remaining Embodiments and started a big circus all around the world they once ruled together. The traitor had nothing in her mind but revenge, a corrupted revenge.

That war was considered truly magnificent and amusing. For which it had caused one of the main Embodiment who created them, lost her own life and the remaining Embodiments completely vanish from the divine throne.

The original people reclaimed their vigor and was labelled as the Rulers of the World for the second time.

Claiming the once throne of the Embodiment of Anger.

Author's Note.

Before you proceed reading this fiction book made by yours truly, I must remind thy innocent souls that this story is hard to understand, that even I get confused whenever I reread it. This is not necessarily meant to people who seeks happiness, comfort in reading stories. I'm warning you, this book contains words & topics that shouldn't be heard or talked about. 

Either way, this story wasn't plagiarized or just like the stories that I've created. Also, I enjoy reading feedbacks and opinions about this story which really helps me to improve the flow of the stories. 

Thank you.

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