Chapter 1: Written Timeline

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"Our history is just so boring." Yuan exclaimed before ripping the paper off his notebook.

Rubi disliked Yuan for his attitude towards her favorite subject, though she can not feel any rush of anger in her body.

"You're spouting nonsense." Rubi replied.

Yuan smirked and laughed, "Bleh, can't deny the fact that it is tooooo boring."

The bell rings.

A strange bell rings.

"It's that time again." Rubi says as she looks at the clock and date.

Yuan smirked as he crossed his arms, "Three lucky people who'll be able to meet the captured 'God', huh?"

The bell rings once again, a sign for someone to speak.

"To break the fun, please be reminded to not linger around the area where 'they' were locked. There have been casualties going around."

"It's better for everyone to stay away from Floor 207." the speaker drops.

Confusion starts to linger around their minds, questions were asked.

"But what about our ticket?"

"Refund! Refund!"

By the sight, Rubi hopelessly breathe out.

"These people are hopeless." she exclaimed.

Yuan just sighed and looked at the pocket grimoire that he was holding.

'Just how unlucky am I.' he thought.

Moments passed, the two decided to leave the school that they studies in. A school full of mystery with a God held captive inside...

In a dark place, beneath the lively school. Blood is everywhere, screams are filling the room where 'she' is in.

A whip.

"Dare to speak and you'll suffer more!" a very strict looking woman said, followed by the haunting scream of one they worshipped back then.

Footsteps came in, a shine of hope. However, the woman readied her whip but the guy spoke.

"Ameli, you should stop." his calming voice lingers around.

The woman or Ameli looks at him, frustrated.

"Why? She clearly disobeyed the contract. She needs to be-"

"You must have forgotten that you're breathing the same air as an Embodiment, a God?" the guy playfully interrupted.

Ameli looks down in disappointment and positioned, "Fine. I'll leave her to you."

The gigantic door made of strange magic closed and left the guy with the God.

"Now then."

His cyan eye glowed in the dark.

"I heard that you tried to hurt a student..."

He approaches her.

"Is that true, Embodiment of Love?"

The Embodiment glared, the guy smirked.

He leaned in and spoked in a mocking tone, "Aren't you supposed to protect and love the people that you and your leader once loved?"

Only a desperate sound of trying to break free from its chain answered him, but the guy suddenly controlled the chains and made it impossible to escape. He then smirked and tightened it more than the girl could handle, which resulted for her to let out a painful scream.

"I'm asking you a question so pay attention and stop trying to break free..." he laughed.

His eyes glowed, "Because you will never get the freedom that you once stole from us, the Purest Humans."

Long after the chains loosened, the Embodiment speaks.

"The Supreme Deity gave all of you the ability to protect yourselves, and not to be taken care of..." she pants.

"...even though I'm already vanquished from the Divine Throne... I will continue to reign as the Embodiment of Love."

"Without me, all of you will never get to experience the joy of having someone by your side."

The guy glared at the Embodiment.

"Kill me if you want to, I don't care. In fact, I don't even consider it as a big deal... because without me, you can never be considered a perfect example of being human."

Big words came from the Embodiment of Love's mouth, it was the first time that she stood up for herself after being locked for decades beneath the school.

"Haha... HAHAHA! Without you, I'll never be considered a perfect human? Are you kidding me?" he replied.



The Embodiment of Love's cotton candy eyes lightened up.

"You should be the one who's ashamed."

He raised his eyebrows.

"I'm also known as the Fortune-Teller in our group."

He smirked, "Did I even asked?"

"Anything I'm saying, declaring and stating will become true."

Her aura intensifies, overwhelming the guy in front of her.

"A crimson crescent moon appears. She who bought life to the world, she who rebuilt this place must take back what is taken away from her."

The guy lifted his arms and tightened the once loose chain wrapped around the Embodiment of Love, completely cracking her bones.

"An... already written timeline... that none shall interfere.." she said before she lost consciousness.

The guy looks at her with sympathy, "Elysia, the Embodiment of Love. You should have kept your mouth shut."

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