The Guild Master's Decision

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Cheryl turned her cigarette and placed it in Iris leg that had been exposed for treatment on a wound. Iris scream echoed threw the arena over the commotion outside to draw everyone's attention to the wall of the arena that was connected to the pharmacy before the wall was broke threw and Cheryl was seen flying threw the arena.

A white glowing figure showed up from the hole in the wall, it stepped out on the field.

"Trip!," Paul hollered before. Large boom shook the battle field


Trip had gone mad, maybe it was because she had hurt an injured person for spite, or he was still mad at her invading his space or maybe it was just because she hurt Iris...what ever it was he was mad.

He charger at the woman again and they clashed mid air backing up and again and again before he stood opposing her.

Her body was slightly damaged but she still stood tall, while Trip just stood tall he had had enough of her games two seconds into it and now he had a shot at her he was going to take it.

"Your fast and-," Cheryl watched as a wound in his chest was covered and healed with what look like a feather laying into place "Fascinating,"

She ran back at ginger hand covered in purple goo, Trip dodged and dodged again before he got a gaze from a bad footing.

Trip stumbled back before he could get his feet under him properly he felt her coming again this time from behind...

"Sky Dragon: Feather Scale Dance,"

"You won't get away this time," she snarled as she lunged at any and all open spaces around her


"Master do something," Bonnie cried

The master stood still, watching as Cheryl attacked at the air knowing one of his own was down there. Though he didn't know for sure he could tell the woman had done something wrong to get the blonde so upset, Brock could read the blonde like a book. He was more gentle nature them his purple haired friend and wasn't as brutal, but for him to launch at her like this she must have crossed yet another line.

"Sir that scream from before," May started

The guild master held his hand up, before turning to look at his guild, his face hard and his posture strong

"I don't care how you do or what you do to do it, get the people out of here and Kill that woman,"

Everyone looked at the guild master, this was the man that led them, took them in when no one else would and taught them right from wrong, a swift nods and everyone was gone.


Chaos broke threw the arena and the attending guilds could tell it wouldn't be good Medusa Tail's members left with the fleeing crowds and so did some of Comet Dust. All running with fear of what was going to come next.

The last few of Death Melody and remaining ones of Comet Dust all stood waiting for the battle going on to end as they stood watching


Cheryl swung one last time hitting something hard, and in the air white feathers scattered everywhere, as a single body let out a blood filled silent scream as it fell limp....

-- a few moments ago

Paul was trying to make his way to the battle field after escorting people out he needed to get to Trip's side they had to stick together they had to-... He looked up just in time to see Trip's body fall limp, his going cold before a cry/roar of anger shook the arena and the fleeing members to their core.

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