"Loosen up,"

"I'm loose!"

"We need to veer south for Long Island," Apollo instructed distracting the two from their argument momentarily. "Hang a left."

Thalia did as she was told, jerking the wheel to the left which caused Percy to crash into Evangeline again and onto the floor. Evangeline managed to stand up and yanked Percy down into a seat with her.

"Ah," Apollo lightly scratched his head, looking as if he was attempting to stay calm and not panic at the girl. "A little lower, sweetheart, Cape Cod is freezing over."

The daughter of Zeus tilted the wheel, her face as white as a chalk stick with sweat rolling down her forehead. "Thalia," the god spoke again. "You need to calm down."

The bus pitched down suddenly, hunters screaming as they were thrown up into the air. Percy wasn't safe from the action as his legs left the seat, he was immediately pulled back down by the brunette but Evangeline was thrown onto the floor and into the back crashing into Apollo who gave her a dazzling smile as he caught her.

"She needs to get her license revoked," Evangeline mumbled, as she got to her feet. She looked out the window only to see the vast water they were heading towards. "Oh, gods."

Apollo pushed past her, making his way back to Thalia's side.

"Take the wheel!" Grover begged, holding onto Nico who held a wide smile.

Evangeline made her way back into a seat, a small New England town coming into view as the snow began melting off the trees, roofs, and lawns. "Pull up!" She yelled at the tree after becoming aware Thalia would burn the town to the ground if she didn't.

A wild light appeared in the older girl's eyes, she quickly yanked on the wheel while Nico was thrown and caught by Grover.

"There!" Apollo pointed to a blob in the distance. "Long Island, dead ahead so let's slow down dear. Dead, is only an expression."

But Thalia didn't, she continued flooring it towards the coastline of Long Island. She drove by Camp, the valleys, the woods, and the beach. "I'm under control," the daughter of Zeus muttered, though everyone else was having a hard time believing it.

"Brake," Apollo instructed.

"I can do this."


Percy realized where they were headed and yelled. "Thalia!"

Thalia slammed into the camp's canoe lake with a loud splash. The bus bobbed to the surface, along with a couple of capsized melted canoes.

"Well," Apollo spoke with a smile as water started filling the floor of the bus. "You were right, my dear. You had everything under control, now let's go see if we boiled anyone important."

"Whoa," Nico voiced his amazement as he took a look around the camp. "Is that a climbing wall?"

"Yes, it is."

"Why is there lave pouring down it?"

"Little extra challenge."

Percy sent the boy a smile, "Come on, I'll introduce you to Chiron. Zoë, you have to meet-"

"I know," Zoë said stiffly, shooting Thalia a glare of her own. "Tell him we will be in cabin eight, hunters follow me."

"I'll show you the way," Grover offered.

"We know the way."

"Oh, really, it's not trouble. It's easy to get lost here if you don't-" Evangeline covered her mouth, preventing her laughter from escaping as she witnessed the satyr fall over a canoe before quickly shooting right back up. "-Like my old daddy, goat used to say!" he continued. "Come on!"

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