Battle Cry

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"So you're going to let me go?" she asked hopeful. Dr. Henry nodded before walking around behind her to release her.

"If we hurry we can probably intercept Reggie before he removes any dinosaurs from the island." he began to pull at the ropes.

The door opened. "How did I know this was going to happen, Wu?" Reggie said.

Keira held her breath.

He walked over towards them. "Did this little siren put things in your head?" He grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. She let out a yelp.

"No, she put things into perspective." Henry said. "We can't do this Reggie, Keira and Owen are right, it would never work."

"You're right," Reggie said. "Not with you around." he removed a gun from his pocket and shot Wu in the chest. Keira's ear rang horribly but she looked down to see the scientist's blood on her clothing before she let out a scream.

She watched as Reggie lifted up her hat off the table.

"It's pretty sunny out there," he said, " you don't mind, do you?" he placed it on his head and walked out.

Owen glared at the InGen guard who held his gun in sight for all of them to see. The group was looking around at each other hoping someone would come up with a plan. Lowery quickly hit his computer button.

"Hey, back up!" the guard spat at him. But it was too late, as the screen lit up with the park cameras. The group turned to see InGen entering enclosures attempting to round up dinosaurs.

"You can't do this!" Claire yelled at the guard angrily.

"I'm not doing anything but stand here." the guard said smartly.

"What do you think is going to happen when you take the dinosaurs?" Owen asked him. "You don't think there's going to be any retaliation on our part?"

"Oh we're so scared." the guard rolled his eyes. "Just sit there and shut up."

The door opened and another guard came in distracting the two. Owen looked over to see Lowery slowly rising out of his chair.

The interns were waiting and watching.

One of the guards looked up as Lowery snuck his way over.

"Hey!" Before the guard could fully raise his gun Lowery let out a battle cry before ramming into the two guards with his body in a tackle. The guns fell to the floor.

The interns ran over quickly to assist, Claire pushed herself up and ran over to Owen to release him from his bonds.

They heard a gunshot down the way.

"Hurry!" he said.

"I'm trying!" Claire snapped."You have to stay still!"

Doug picked up one of the guns before kicking another one over in Owen's direction. He raised it pointing at the guards.

The guards went to try and negotiate for their lives. Lowery stood up with Michelle's assistance.

"Hey, just sit there and shut up." he said standing strongly.

Owen was free of the ropes before he hopped up and picked up the spare gun. He looked to the cameras to see the InGen people taking down a Edmontosaurus.

"Tie them up and we'll head out after I get Keira. We have to stop them, we can't let them take any of the dinosaurs off the island." he said before running out of the room.

"You heard the man, let's tie these bastards up." Doug said.

Owen hurried down the hall in the direction of the gunshot he had heard earlier and peered in every room he passed, only to find Keira in the genetics lab. Her head was down and there was blood on her clothing as she was tied to the chair.

"No.." he bursted in through the door. Her head jerked up, tears streaming down her face.


"It's alright, I'm here." he said but as he came closer he saw Dr. Henry on the ground, blooding seeping out through a chest wound.

"He tried to help me, we have to help him." she said.

"Y-yeah." he knelt down to the bullet wounded man but Wu's eyes opened.

"Don't worry about me, you guys need to get out of here. Stop Reggie."

"But Dr. Henry..."

"We have to pay for our mistakes." Henry said before grimacing in pain.

Claire came running in with several people behind her. She saw the scene and her face drained of colour.

"Someone come over here and apply pressure to his chest." Owen called out. One of the interns ran over and knelt down quickly pressing her hands over the wound using Henry's shirt.

Owen moved to untie Keira's hands, as soon as she was released she hugged him tightly.

"Owen, they're heading to the raptor paddock." she told him.

Barry was knocked down as the men bombarded the paddock. The girls were in their restraints.

"Ah the famous raptors." Reggie said walking over to them. Barry glared at the man who walked over before noticing he had Keira's hat on. Blue sniffed the air as the man passed them before thrashing around.

"You know that's not Keira." Barry said under his breath as Blue let out large snorts.

Yin began to squirm but Yang watched as the newcomer walked over to them.

"Oh I like this one." Reggie laughed before placing his hand out to touch.

"I vaguely remember Vic doing the same thing," Barry said, " and you saw what happened to him."

Barry watched as Reggie placed his hand on Yang's face. Blue and Yin let out throaty chirps, thrashing about. Yang locked eyes with Reggie before baring her teeth. Barry's eyes widened, the first sign of aggression.

"Let's load them up gentlemen. I'll meet you out by the docks after I check out the plains." Reggie said before getting into a vehicle and driving off.

Barry watched as the men moved in with tranquilizers, he looked around, he saw the man behind him watching the others load the equipment in the paddock. Barry ran over taking a dive before pressing the release button. Blue and the girls stood before the men snapping and growling.

"Get em girls."

Blue took the first step forward. One of the men lifted his gun fearfully to take a shot but Blue launched forward digging her claws into the man's chest. He screamed but it was cut short as she opened her mouth and went straight for his throat.

The other men shook as Blue looked up to see her razor sharp teeth dripping with blood. Several men took off, Blue lifted her head with a call and Yin and Yang took off after them out of the paddock.

Barry scooted back until he was a safe distance from the bloody scene as Blue and the girls began their hunt.

Keira tossed her cellphone to Claire who caught it swiftly.

"Call my parents, tell them what's going on. Please reiterate that I'm okay or you'll never hear the end of it." she said.

"Let's go." Owen led the way taking the sanctuary workers with them. They grabbed a few company vehicles. Owen jumped in the driver seat as Keira went to another car.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"You go to the raptor paddock, I have to get to the plains." she said. He reached through the opened window and grabbed her hand.

"Grant, don't you go getting hurt on me."

"I won't I promise." she smiled.

Claire grimaced as the parents on the other end of the call were going crazy at the news she had just informed them of.

"She's okay!" Claire shouted into the phone. There was silence. "But we need help."

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