Buckle Up

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A cool breeze was hitting the island that afternoon, giving comfortable temperatures that the dinosaurs seemed to enjoy. Many of the herds were out basking or grazing in the sun. The construction workers were thrilled to not work under humid and boiling weather. New hatched dinosaurs were being introduced into the plains and into carnivore territory under the new program of allowing the babies to grow up in the herds of their kind under Owen and Keira's watch.

Keira was in the plains that afternoon allowing Dino to visit Eve. Upon seeing her, Dino ran up with a playful bark and the two seemed to play a weird game of tag. Keira sat under a tree watching them before pulling her sketchbook out. She hadn't had much time to herself lately. With InGen appearing in the media and then completely disappearing, she was suspicious and her guard was up on the island. Not to mention with a much smaller staff they were always constantly working until passing out late in the evening from pure exhaustion. But she couldn't be happier, the sanctuary was actually working and for once, she didn't have anything to complain about. The dinosaurs seemed happy, the staff seemed happy, Owen was happy, Dino was happy and Claire even smiled more.

She pulled out a piece of charcoal and began sketching the odd couple before her. Dino ran circles around Eve but she seemed highly amused swinging her neck around. However, the rest of Eve's herd looked completely dumbfounded.

They were younger and Eve was the head of the herd and if Dino was cool with her they had to respect that. She was twice there size and they were all still growing with a long way to go. Eve seemed to do her job well of leading around the herd and at night on occasion when she and Owen went out to check the plains, they could find the herd all asleep nestled around each other.

That was all Keira ever wanted, was the dinosaurs to be dinosaurs. She sketched only a little before just settling on watching over the plains. Looking out at the flourishing dinosaurs, it was hard to believe tragedy had ever struck there.

"Hey Keira." her radio went off with Lowery's voice.

She picked it up. "Yeah?"

"We got a situation with an ankylosaurus on the south end gate." he said.

"Alright, I'm headed over there." she arose to her feet. "Hey Romeo, let's go!" she called to Dino. His ears perked and both he and Eve looked over.

"We'll finish the play date later. Come on."

He barked at Eve before racing over to Keira who was headed to the car. He jumped in and sat in the passenger seat panting contently.

"You are such a happy boy." Keira said ruffling his fur before closing her door and driving off. She made her way to the south end gate and saw a couple of rangers and workers standing there. She rolled down the windows and left Dino in the car before heading over.

"What do we have here?" she asked. But before anyone could say anything, she had her answer. The young adult ankylosaurus had somehow managed to wedge it's head through the bars of the gate. It looked exhausted.

"What do you want to do, Keira?" one of the rangers asked. She looked at the dinosaur.

"Anyone have a crap ton of butter with them?" she asked.

Instead of greasing up the tank of a dinosaur, the bars were cut through just enough for the dinosaur to pull away.

"We'll put a temporary patch over that until we can repair it fully." Keira said. The ankylosaurus shook it's head before resting to the ground.

"Poor thing, must have been out here all night." It rolled on it's side.

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