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the entire school day was slow, but it's finally came to a long awaited end after the last bell reverberated throughout the classroom

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the entire school day was slow, but it's finally came to a long awaited end after the last bell reverberated throughout the classroom. y/n had to get to her work shift soon, so after sorting out a few notes for atsumu, she made her way towards the gymnasium. the crowd of students in a haste to get to their personal destinations was overwhelming to say the least. y/n let out a long sigh when in a couple of steps, she finally made it to the school's exit. 

fastening her sluggish steps, she finally made it to the gyms entrance and after pushing open the door, she saw that they were just beginning their practice. "QUIT BEING SLOPPY, SUNA!" the coach yelled, making y/n snort. her best friend wasn't lying when he said that their coach was practically targeting his gameplay as of recently. her presence became prominent next to the coaches figure and y/n wasn't prepared for the man's next words. "come on, even y/n could do better than that!" this brought suna to look at his coach with a glare filled with every negative emotion possible and it only worsened when he realized that y/n was actually there...analyzing the whole thing. "yeah, no." he said simply.

y/n jaw dropped as her elder memories resurfaced. back in junior high, y/n would help suna practice for volleyball and her being his perfect match then was probably an understatement. when y/n mentioned this fact, suna let a smug expression make its way onto his features. "that was then. this is now." he shrugged, further pissing off y/n. "wanna bet?" the coach blew his whistle, almost deafening y/n and the rest of the teammates and/or individuals in the gym. he told suna to take a break and the middle blocker happily made his way to the bleachers. 

y/n looked down at the boy and he eyed her with a confused gaze. "wait, are you not going to work today?" he questioned and although it was barely audible, there was some hope and happiness in his tone. "come onnn, you're not staying?" he whined like a toddler when y/n nodded to his previous question. "no, rin. i'm here to drop off some notes for tsumu. you know, for his project?" 

"oh..." he frowned, standing up and grumbling something about 'false advertisement'. "speaking of, where is he?" y/n questioned, scanning to gym but was left just as confused when the setter was no where to be seen. "he's changing in the locker room." suna informed, taking a sip from his water bottle. y/n let out an unsatisfied groan before shoving the papers into suna's unwilling hold. "what the hell n/n-". 

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐎𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐨𝐟  | r.sunaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt