Chapter 3

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(A/n)- I'm not dead but I have been busy and life has taken me elsewhere. I did manage to get this chapter done but I don't know how much I will be posting or if I will continue. But I will write when I can.
Recap: POV Hope:

"Ok Hope, let's get shit done!" I said quietly to myself. I put the hose on full blast which makes me stumble but I quickly find my footing. What I did realize was the fire did much damage that I couldn't see and that is when I got hit with falling debris from the ceiling.

At the same time Andy just came back to my position. Just in time too.

All I heard was Andy running up to me and saying, "Deluca-Bishop! Captain! Firefighter down! I repeat! Firefighter down!!"


POV Hope:

Everything went black and I was brought back to the weird dream.

*flashback to the first book*

It was closer to 3 in the morning when I heard something fall onto the floor. It kinda woke me up which is kinda annoying but whatever. When I opened my eyes, I saw a bright laptop screen on. Which was tucked away on Mama's nightstand and Mama was getting a pen off the ground that I assume that fell on the floor.

Knowing I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep, I grabbed my phone off Mom's nightstand and checked my notifications.

Mama noticed that I had woken up and asked, "Bambina, did I wake you up?" "yeah but it is ok. Do you know when Mom is going to come home? Is she ok?" I asked while stretching and then proceeding to rub my eyes.

"Well bambina, I need to tell you something but you need to only focus your eyes only on me," as she pulled my hands into hers.

I took the biggest deep breath in my life and proceeded to listen.

"There was an accident at work and Mom lost consciousness for a few seconds but when she was in the ambo, she was alert. Although, that is all that Andy told me," Mama ending it on a lower note that I wanted it too.

That in turn caused my response as, "What the actual hell? WHY?" I totally freaked out and did the opposite of not freaking out.

"Bambina, I need you to calm down. Andy called a little bit later after you fell asleep," Mama attempted to calm me down with tracing shapes in my hands but my hands fidgeted in hers while there was complete silence between the both of us.

*End Flashback*

POV Andy:

"Firefighter down! Firefighter down! "I yelled into the radio.

I started shoving the debris off of Hope when Maya responded, "Herrera, I'm sending Gibson to help," I could tell that Maya knew it was Hope but she needed to keep it professional. I got most of the debris off of her and went up to her face.

I lightly tapped the side of her face and said, "Come on Hope! Come on!"

I saw her eyes start to open and then she said, "Ow ow you don't need to yell or slap me, you're just making my head hurt more."

By that time, Gibson finally arrived.

"Oh thank God. She is awake. Bishop would kill us all if she was still unconscious," Jack said while getting the other debris off.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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