CH. 17 - Glamourous ball

Start from the beginning

"Ok, good. Did you say she looked beautiful?"

His cheeks reddened, "What the heck!? Why should I say that!?"

She face palmed. "It's only proper to say that to your date!"

"D-date!?" He took more steps back.

"Yes! Go! Say it now!"

"And what if I don't!?"

"You wanna try me!?" Becky cracked her knuckles and pounded her fist against her hand.

"Alright! Fine! I'll say it!" Damian stormed off.

"Hi, Damian. You're back." Anya greeted him.

'She said my actual name!?'

"I, look...err..." Damian stuttered.

Anya leaned her head forward in anticipation.

" look...beau..beauti..."

Becky was already sweating, 'Come on, come on!'

"Uhh...beauti- beau..."

Anya leaned her head even more forward in anticipation.

"YOU LOOK UGLY! BYE!" Damian screeched as he ran away.

'Jang it, Desmond! How could you!' Becky face palmed.

'Why did I say that!!? Ugh!!!' Damian covered his face.

'Huh, what???' Anya scratched her head.

"Desmond! What the heck!???" Becky screeched while marching to Damian.

"Ughhh, I don't know why I said that, okay!?" Damian uncovered his face.

"Okay, here's what you're gonna do, give her peanuts, apologize to her, and say that she's beautiful. Got that!?" Becky pulled out a notepad and started listing down the things she said, then ripped off the page and handed it to Damian.

"Uhh, thank you?" Damian hesitantly took the note.

"Yeah! Now get the stuff!" Becky yelled.

"Fine! Geez!"




Anya was confused, but decided to ignore it anyway.

Then a boy came up to her.

"Miss, are you from Tennessee...?" He twirled the drink inside his cup and chugged it.

'Is that alcohol...?'

"Cause you're a ten I see." He winked and walked away, slipped, fell on the floor and cried.


"Okay..." Anya went back to doing whatever.

Then, a man came up to her.

"Miss, I would ask you to drink this drink. It is...very tasty." He slid a drink onto the table where Anya was staying.

"Sure," Anya said. 'What is he planning to do? Why is everyone walking up to me and saying random things?'

Crackle crackle...

'Heheh, it's actually poison. Boss told me there'd be a pink haired girl with horns that has important documents...' The man smirked.

'Important documents? But I'm not carrying anything!'

"Aww, that's very nice, Mister! But, maybe you can try the drink. I'm very full after such a feast." Starlight said, fiddling with her necklace.

And It All Started With A Punch - DAMIANYA Where stories live. Discover now