I watched as she danced away with different man of the court. She was clearly drunk as she couldn't stop giggling and steeping on the poor mens feet. I chuckled every time she had to apologize to another man she stepped on.

"Your Majesty ." I heard a deep voice. I turned to look to see an older gentlemen with a younger woman. Once my full attention was on them they gave me a small bow.

"I am Lord Whyte, the Earl of Westmorland. This is my daughter Joan. She is to be apart of your laddies in waiting. I thought a friendly introduction was in order." He gently spoke.

The girl seemed to be shy, as she stood far back behind her father and tired to avoid the attention being placed upon her. She looked no younger than seventeen. I know who she was for I hand picked her, though I didn't realize she was so young.

"It is a pleasure, Lady Joan. I can already tell  I'm going to see good things from you." I gave her a small smile. Her father nudged her to speak. "Thank you, Your Grace." Her voice was barely audible. Her father nudged her in the side harshly. "It Your Majesty!" He snapped.

The look of fear in her face made my heartbreak. "It's all right. After all, I am not the true Queen of England tell my coronation." I spoke trying to remedy the situation at hand.

"I do apologize, Your Majesty. She is very shy and sometimes forgets her planners." Lord Whyte chuckled a little, clearly nervous about the situation.

"Don't be, I'm sure Joan will be a perfect fit at court." They gave me a small thank you."Why don't your come and join me, Lady Joan?"

" I would love to, Your Majesty ." Joan spoke. She gave it no moment thought at she walked over to my side of banquet table and took a seat on. Her father took his leave to mingle with the other guests.

"So, Lady Joan. Tell me about yourself." I grabbed the goblet of ale that was next me. Taking a long generous sip.

"There is nothing much about me the what interest you, Your Majesty ." She barely spoke at a whisper as she fidgeted with her fingers.

I didn't pay much mind to her nerves as I know how stressful court can be. I looked out into the growing crowd of guest. My father and mother seemed to be blooming in happiness, for everyone was trying to kiss their asses. I scuffed quietly knowing kissing their asses will get them no where.

"Don't take this personal, I only ask to understand better of my laddies." I took a pause in my words to face Lady Joan. "Is it true that the only reason you haven't been able to find a husband. Is because you and His Grace, Charles Brandon had an affair for many months?"

She looked down shamefully before nodding concurring with my words. "Yes, Your Majesty. I was foolish girl that thought she could be loved by such a high noble man. I was wrong, and my father sent me away once he caught me in His Graces chamber." She blabbered out in nervousness.

" I think you mistaken about Charles. For he was the one that came to me personally asking me to reserve a spot for you in my court of laddies." Her eyes glistened with hope. "I do believe the feelings are mutual." I pointed over to where Charles was standing. His attention already had found his way to Joan. Joan eyes immediately connected with his.

"I think he has missed you dearly. Why don't you go and ask him for a dance. He might surprise you." I nudged her arm with mine. She gave me an appreciative gesture before walking over to Charles. I watched as Charles didn't waste another moment as he whisked her away onto the dance floor.

I felt warm hands wrapped around my torso as a man whispered in my ear. "It seems you're already playing match making, my love." Henry gently teased in my ear.

"Just helping Charles out some. Besides I'm his soon to be Queen. It's my duty to provide good nobility matches among the ranks of the English." I teased. He just kissed my check before taking a seat next to me on my left.

"I agree, Charles needs a bride. My sister left him childless, as all of them died young." Henry sadly looked down recalling the memory of his sister. I put my hand on his thigh trying to comfort him.

"I heard from Mary's and Elizabeth's household. They will be arriving early tomorrow morning. Just in time for your coronation." Henry spoke trying to change the topic.

A bright smile glistened on my face as I thought about the children. I was excited to be introduced to the Lady Mary. I haven't had the pleasure yet.

"I'm glad, I'm sad they missed the wedding." I truthfully spoke. There were invited to the wedding, but there was flooding in Hatfield that caused there travel plans to be delayed.

"I know sweetheart, but at least they can make it to the coronation." Henry gave me a long gently kiss on my check making my face turn bright red.

"Henry! Save the affection for later. We still have many more guests to greet. The night is still young." I smirked taking a sip out of my goblet.

Henry just rolled his eyes in response clearly not in the mood to be patient. Though our conversation was cut short by an interruption.

"Your Majesties, I came to congratulate you and give you a bit of news of my own." My brother spoke giving us a small head bow.

"Thank you, brother." I spoke holding my goblet in the air, giving him a bright smile. He raised the goblet in his hand as well before we both took a sip. We sat in a few moments of awkward silence before I spoke. "What about your own news?" I questioned curiosity getting the better of me.

His face lit up like a candle as a huge smile crept on his face. " The Viscountess and I just found out we are expecting." I let out a small sigh of shock. Before I stood up making my way towards George. Engulfing him in a tight hug. "Congratulations brother, I know you two have been trying for quite sometime!"

Henry joined me and gave George a big handshake. "Well it seems we have even more reasons to celebrate. Where is the lovely Viscountess?" Henry looked around trying to spot my sister in law in the roaring crowd.

"She is getting some well needed rest." George spoke taking another sip of his wine. The smile still lit up his face. I felt overjoyed over a new niece or nephew. Even more so, since I know how much struggle my brother and his wife faced with conceiving a child.

"Hopefully in the near future we will be hearing of your own announcement." My brother winked at me before making his departure.


Hey Readers,

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'll try and post chapter 20 soon!

Bye for now 👋

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