Sakuya Izayoi - Master

Start from the beginning

Belong here

...with Sakuya.

I don't like her... I never liked her... I hate her...

She killed everyone in this mansion over me, just because of me. I hate this, I hate myself, I regret for what I've fallen into...

'I hate you, Sak-'



Yup, I got stabbed on the shoulder.

Sakuya: "Master wasn't answering, I have to do it." She regained her stoic face back where she close her eyes and lips showed no sign of lifting up.

Currently, we're at the dining room. Just me and her and I was sitting on the head of the long table. The atmosphere was dimly lit accompanied by a dead silent. I couldn't do anything but just to endure this never-ending god who knows what this is...

Sakuya: "Well? Is master going to eat? The food is getting cold."

Y/N: "I've told you many times... I-I'm not hungry... Literally..."

Sakuya: "Are you sure? I'm unable to make food afterwards if you're hungry, master."

I glanced at her. Her eyes were glowing scarlet red... Bloody...



Did I even remember what happened before becoming a resident here? Of course not, not even a single one. I was too focusing on how to escape from here to the point where I began to forget everything even my surroundings, sounds like I'm having a dementia. Right, my hunger... I'm gonna die from it anyway...... Hopefully. Because of her being obsessed with me so badly, Sakuya decided to commit burglary at Eientei and stole the precious thing, the Hourai Elixir. A forbidden drink that will make the drinker to become an immortal being. (She obviously forced you to drink it)

Now that's settled in my head, what now...?

Suddenly, I felt a hot warm breath and my shoulders were held tight by none other than Sakuya.

Sakuya: "Master~..."

I knew this was coming in and quickly turned to her, but too late. She pushed me off the chair and was on top of me, breathing heavily with her eyes half closed and having a obsessive glow in the eyes of her scarlet eyes.

Y/N: "S-Sakuya! Get hold of y-yoursel- ARGHH!" Out of nowhere, one of her knife pierced into my right hand palm and blood starts coming out. Sakuya smiles devilishly as she licks her lips seductively.

Sakuya: "You're so adorable when you look so scared~"

Her eyes were filled with nothing but just lust...

She held down both of my wrists as I began to struggle to get her hands off.

Y/N: "Sakuya! Let me go this instant!"

Sakuya: "Aww~ you don't wanna be hold down for a moment~?"

Y/N: "I, as the owner of this mansion now, command you to get me off!!"

Sakuya: "No. Now, stop moving and let me giv-"


Luckily, I was able to get one hand off from her grip and slap her, but seems like I asked her a deathwish from doing it.

I received another stab, not only one, but two. One on my shoulder and the other on my chest.


Sakuya: "Didn't I told you this before? That is not to hit me."

She pulled out the knife that was on my palm. The wound would then stopped its bleeding and disappeared... As if there's was no mark there.

Y/N: "I-I'm sorry...! But- GUH!" The knife that Sakuya took out was bore into my other shoulder, I can't even move my arms an inch. NOW BOTH OF MY SHOULDERS THAT WERE STABBED BY HER KNIVES ARE NOW BLEEDING CONSTANTLY WHAT THE FUCK

Sakuya: "Do you think I would give in to your apology?" She said in a low dangerous tone as her face darken.

"I think it's about time we give you another punishment~..."

My eyes widened... This type of "punishment" I'll be receiving is not the one you're thinking... It was MORE than that one you'd know.

Y/N: "S-Sakuya.. Please, no more... I'm still not f-fully recovered from yester-"

Sakuya: "What did I just said?"

I averted my gaze, knowing that I won't able to retort her back at this state.

Sakuya: "That's what I thought. Now, let's retire to our room~"

With that, she got off and carried me in bridal style in her arms while being in a very severe state...

"I love you so much, master~"

Someone... Please...

..Set me free.

{Tbc, actually nah. End}

Through vacant halls, Sakuya won't let you go and escape...

Through vacant halls, Sakuya won't let you go and escape

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Lacked something...

Words: 1086

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