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There are no warnings, too lazy, yk it by your senses

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There are no warnings, too lazy, yk it by your senses

No fucking, it's just hand/blow job, bullshit ain't it?



I was walking up the stairs, while having a bad feeling about this situation Reimu had gotten herself drunk, again. By drinking 8 sakés or more than that. It's springtime, of course she would drink a lot during this season, for christ, is this why the Hakurei god is mad with her? Once I arrived on top I walked over to the Hakurei shrine and head over to the front entrance and slide the door open, to reveal the drunk miko herself, who passed out due to how much saké she consumed and was laying flat on the tatami floor, letting her armpits exposed to me. Reimu's face was all red and a small drool was running down out of her mouth.

Reimu: "Aammngh...~"

Y/N: "..."

She then turns her head over to the entrance, that's where I am currently, staring at her as if there's nothing wrong with her.

Reimu: "Wwuuttttt~? Who are-"

Y/N: "Hey drunkard, what happened here? Yukari told me that you went overboard with some sakés. Are you alright?" Reimu rubs her eyes before sitting up as she let out a soft yawn.

Reimu: "Y-Yukari...? What did sheeee..." I sighed and walk towards her.


Reimu: "O-Ow! HEY HEY! WANT A FIGHT FROM ME OR SOMETHING?!" She said angrily while rubbing her cheek where I slapped her.

Y/N: "Yep, still the same Reimu. Hold on, let me pull another."




Y/N: "Alright alright, I'll stop~"

Her eyes were twitching in anger, but soon it stopped as she let out a deep sigh before getting herself another saké. Gosh what the hell is wrong with you today Reimu? Even it's spring and you ain't got no parents, doesn't mean you just gonna drink sakés all you want...!

Reimu: "A-Anyway... What is it again? Y/N..." I sat down beside as she drinks.

Y/N: "First of all, you ruined my peaceful night rest."

Reimu: "Mmmhmmm~ yeah andddd...."

Y/N: "Second, stop drinking drinking."

Reimu: "Alright~"

You're still drinking...

Y/N: "No, you're not." Reimu scoffed as she puts down the bottle.

Reimu: "Are you seriously going to keep on with this while I'm here enjoying my saké??"

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