Yuuka Kazami - By your side

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Yuuka Kazami X Male Youkai Reader

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Yuuka Kazami X Male Youkai Reader

Note: You're her lover or should I say, girlfriend? Yeahhhh continue with your reading user!

~Short oneshot


Getting yourself caught by someone's attention wasn't the usual thing that would happen to you nowadays. Espically when it's a person who is menace and threat to the human society, Yuuka Kazami, a (female) youkai capable of manipulating flowers and is a 'Flower Monarch of Four Seasons'.

How the hell did this even happened to you?!?! To put that in, you were exploring Gensokyo as usual and was feeling angry yet annoyed after getting beaten up by a certain shrine maiden for no reason. It could be because of how weak you are and always get picked on by the strongest, like that one certain fairy, thinking that she's smart and the powerful, but she isn't.... What a freak fairy, BOOOOORING!!! As you wandered through the nature, you came across a path, surrounded with endless sunflowers. Your curiosity got better as you followed the path, the path went on and more sunflowers appears on your sides which caused you to get lost of your tracks.

You cursed the Matara-Jin's fortune and its charms for leading you to this path, and right after that, you faced her wrath.

A figure was approaching you, in the distance. As it went closer, the figure turns out to be female and its appearance was visible a little to you that it made your heart stopped...

The female was none other than Yuuka Kazami, a very well known strongest Youkai yet not to be mess with espically when you're a fairy, more less, weaklings. Of course you ran away upon her approaching, but only for you to tripped down and since you're in very bad state, your consciousness left your body, letting you pass out on the ground.

After felt like hours of sleeping, your eyes were staring into a unfamiliar roof, as well the mattress you're laying down currently... It wasn't the sturdy one you would usual have. Until it struck into your realization, you remembered being unconscious when you're trying to save yourself from 'her' but failed because you tripped over something, just how foolish can you be, Y/N?

Anyway, a soft, yet luscious feminine voice reached to your ears, you turned to it... To met with two red eyes bore into yours.

It was Yuuka Kazami's eyes..

To make this short, Yuuka eventually decided to make you hers after you told her about you being beaten up daily by the strongest... You have no idea of how did this happen so early and why she chooses you, but all you know is that you somehow managed to capture the most attractive youkai attention, just wow, WOW!

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