16 | best friends to lovers is such a good trope

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chapstick / coin

she's a friend of mine, and an apple pie
i think i love her
i don't wanna fight, butterflies
out of sight, out of my mind
i just wanna taste your chapstick

🍊 🍊 🍊

| real life |

real life

chris' pov

I have been head over heels in love with Brynlee Williams for as long as I can remember.

I don't recall the exact moment I met her, but my first vivid memory of her is during our kindergarten year. Our teacher had gotten upset with me for being too rowdy during playtime and sent me to the timeout corner. I hated sitting in that corner by myself, subject to watching the other kids play while I was forced to sit out.

Bryn must have known this, because shortly after I was sent for a time out, she carried her dripping paint brush from the arts and crafts table to the nearest wall and dragged the red paint across the pale blue walls. Our teacher was horrified and immediately sent Bryn to the timeout corner while she attempted to clean up the mess.

Bryn acted upset as she trudged across the classroom to the forsaken corner, but as soon as she sat down on the stool beside mine, she beamed at me and told me that we should be friends because we both liked to have fun. We spent the rest of our timeout coming up with rude names for our teacher, giggling when her back was turned and pouting when she looked at us. When we were finally released from our timeouts, I dragged Bryn over to where Nick and Matt were playing with toy cars to introduce them, and the rest is history.

Obviously, I have never told Bryn that I'm in love with her, nor have I told anyone. It is a disaster of a situation, but luckily, I am excellent at handling my feelings regarding Bryn when provoked.

"What the fuck is going on, Nick?" I grumble, crossing my arms across my chest as I watch Matt and Bryn disappear inside our home.

"You tell me," Nick counters, fixing me with a level stare. "What's up with you and Bryn?"

I immediately scoff and move to get out of the car, but Nick quickly locks all the doors. I could simply unlock my door myself, but a flood of frustration washes through me and I glare at Nick. "What the fuck is your problem?"

"Chris, chill the fuck out," Nick rolls his eyes, obviously unimpressed with me. "You are being so defensive and I'm just trying to have a conversation."

"Maybe because you are jumping to conclusions?" I snap, sliding lower in my seat as I continue to glare at my brother, refusing to answer his initial question.

"I literally have not said anything," Nick snaps back, apparently growing frustrated with my attitude. Good, maybe he will leave me alone. "But don't think I didn't notice how you were jealous as fuck when we were talking about the guy from Spencer's who was flirting with Bryn earlier."

I groan loudly, shaking my head in disbelief. "Nick, seriously? Where the fuck is this coming from?" Amongst my anger, I feel a sense of panic rise in me. If Nick noticed that I was off after that asshole was flirting with Bryn, did she notice, too?

"You've obviously in love with her," Nick's eyes widen slightly as he looks at me in earnest. "Come on, Chris, be for real. You can't honestly tell me you don't have any feelings for her."

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