Chapter 8

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Porchay has been coming home late for about a month now, he's been visiting Kei's house after school and would come on weekends too. He lives there at this point, but Porsche notices this and is starting to worry.

Instead of confronting his little brother, he decided to ask Arm to keep tabs on Porchay and to report to him by the end of the week.

He feels a bit guilty for the fact he has asked someone to stalk his brother but what can Porsche do when he and Kinn are busy with work?

Porsche now is the head of the minor family and he still needs to get used to all the meetings and deals he has to do.

It was Sunday and Porsche was with Kinn in their room, chilling as they finally had time to themselves when a bodyguard announced Arm's arrival.

"What brings you here Arm?"

"I'm here to report about Khun Porchay"

"Oh, how is he? What's going on"

"Khun Porchay seems to be friends with Macau in school and he seems to visit his place a lot after school and even on the weekend"


"He's heading out Khun Porsche"

Porsche rushes out of their room with Kinn calling him. Kinn follows as Porsche runs out to find Porchay, finding the younger exiting the manor. Kinn catches up to Porsche and grabs onto his arms, holding him in case he gets more agitated.

Porchay looks towards Porsche as he hears the older call him, he looks questioningly at Porsche.

"Yes, Hia"

"Porchay... Tell me, where are you going right now?"

"I'm going to a friend's house to study"

"LIES! Lies, Porchay. How could you do this to me? I know, Chay. I know."


"You've been going to hang out with Macau right?"


"Chay, I told you. They're dangerous. They're evil. What if they're manipulating you to get to us? You know you're my weakness, Chay. I don't know what to do without you. They're going to hurt you, Chay"

As Porchay listened to Porsche, fury began to burn in his heart. He watches Porsche looking hurt and he feels angry about it. He's the one who's supposed to be mad at them, not the other way around.

"Chay... please, listen to your brother"

"Shut it! I'm done!"


"No, Shut up. You have no right to say that about them. What do you know about them? I can't believe you're saying that they'll hurt me when the ones who are hurting me are you guys."

"Chay!? W-Wha–"

"You heard that right. You guys are the ones hurting me. Hia, no, Phi, you've left me alone at home to fend for myself, then you got yourself involved with P'Kinn and I thought you'd have more time for me but no you disappear, once you're back you don't have time for me. You always leave me in the shadows."

"Chay... it's for your own good"

"To hell is it for my own good? I don't even know how to defend myself, no one tells me anything. You know what? I'm done here, I'm leaving."

"Chay! NO!"

Porsche grabbed onto Porchay's arm, begging him to not leave, but this time Porchay was done, he was done being put in the shadow, and treated like a child, so he left. He shrugged his brother off and ran away.

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